Make sure that the EOT format will be well used for your visitors using Internet Explorer <= 8.
Use the EOT format for Internet Explorer <= 8
The web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera …) do not support the same font formats. Your goal is to use the lightest possible format for each platform. When you use a font, you can specify several formats, via the @font-face CSS instruction: so the browser will use the first supported format.
This is true for all browsers except Internet Explorer <= 8, that misinterpret the @font-face instruction: it will use only the first format declared. And the lighter font format for this kind of browser is the EOT format.
How to use EOT format only for IE <= 8?
Only Internet Explorer supports the EOT format. So declare it in first position in the @font-face’s src property: Internet Explorer will be able to understand that it must use the EOT format, and other browsers, that do not support EOT, will use another format. Here is an article about this topic to help you to determine the right order to declare your fonts. TL; DR order to respect for your webfont formats: EOT, WOFF2, WOFF, TTF, and SVG.
The following @font-face instructions should declare the EOT format in first position:
@font-face{font-family:’Raleway’;font-display:auto;font-style:normal;font-weight:100;src:url( format(‘woff2’), url( format(‘woff’), url( format(‘truetype’), url(;}
Is this something the plugin will need an update in order to be able to declare the EOT Format in First Position?
Hope someone can shed some light on this for me
Many thanks
]]>The TTF and EOT files are not visible in library when I use theme settings panel.
Any idea what is the problem?
Is there a way to:
1) Fire emails through Mailchimp automatically when a person cancels their membership and an EOT is created?
2) When a customer drops from level 1 subscription to a level 0 free subscription, they are automatically moved to the level 0 subscriber email list in Mailchimp.
This is very manual and I know this must be able to be automated, but I just can’t find how to do it.
Many thanks
]]>Opera 12 was recently updated to version 12.18 to implement a few more modern SSL/TLS ciphers; I doubt it will be developed any more regarding compatibility, though. But until any similarly wholesome web-suite will be created (I don’t like the style of SeaMonkey, and Vivaldi is still not mature enough – yet), I will still prefer Opera 12…
There may be even more quirks to guarantee that Opera 12 will support and accept EOT web fonts. It is possible, but requires a rather clean and careful stylesheet design. If the trick with local definitions is used to switch browsers, you may also need to quote the local font name.
]]>Membership item 1: Access of custom capability item_1 with membership level 1 for 1 year
Membership item 12: Access of custom capability item_12 with membership level 1 for 1 month
When a buyer purchase item 12 who already have item 1 purchase is losing membership validity period. For item 12, his EOT is decreasing.
I couldn’t figure out any way to solve this.
I need your advice.
]]>add_action('ws_plugin__s2member_pro_before_sc_paypal_form', 's2_hacks_eot_by_date');
function s2_hacks_eot_by_date($vars = array())
$years = $vars["attr"]["years"];
global $current_user;
$user = new WP_User($current_user->ID);
$expire_half = strtotime ("2015-06-30");
$expire_one = strtotime ("2016-06-30");
$expire_two = strtotime ("2017-06-30");
if($years == '2') {update_user_option($user->ID, 's2member_auto_eot_time', $expire_two);}
elseif($years == 'half') {update_user_option($user->ID, 's2member_auto_eot_time', $expire_half);}
else {update_user_option($user->ID, 's2member_auto_eot_time', $expire_one);}
Members have been renewing their membership and their EOT times have been getting set at 6-30-2017 regardless of the membership length they select on the renewal page. Last year, this function seemed to work fine.
Also, I have the SAME code on a development/test site on my local server and the date is getting set consistently to 6-30-2016.
The renewal page shortcode is as follows:
[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form modify="1" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="USD" dg="0" ns="1" accept="paypal" accept_via_paypal="paypal" coupon="" accept_coupons="0" default_country_code="" captcha="0"]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="5" ccaps="" desc="level 5 Membership - $75 USD / 1 Year" custom="|R|06-2016" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="75" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="0" rrt="" rra="2" years="1"]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="5" ccaps="" desc="level 5 Membership - 2 Years @ $140" custom="|R|06-2017" ta="140" tp="2" tt="Y" ra="0" rp="1" rt="D" rr="0" rrt="" rra="2" years="2"]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="6" ccaps="" desc="level 6 Membership - $50 USD / 1 Year" custom="|R|06-2016" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="50" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="0" rrt="" rra="2" years="1"]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="6" ccaps="" desc="level 6 Membership - 2 Years @ $90" custom="|R|06-2017" ta="90" tp="2" tt="Y" ra="0" rp="1" rt="D" rr="0" rrt="" rra="2" years="2"]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="1" ccaps="" desc="level 1 Membership - $50 USD / 1 Year" custom="|R|06-2016" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="50" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="0" rrt="" rra="2" years="1"]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="3" ccaps="" desc="level 3 Membership - $50 USD / 1 Year" custom="|R|06-2016" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="50" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="0" rrt="" rra="2" years="1"]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="3" ccaps="" desc="level 3 Membership - 2 Years @ $90" custom="|R|06-2017" ta="90" tp="2" tt="Y" ra="0" rp="1" rt="D" rr="0" rrt="" rra="2" years="2"]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="4" ccaps="" desc="level 4 Membership - $50 USD / 1 Year" custom="|R|06-2016" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="50" rp="1" rt="Y" rr="0" rrt="" rra="2" years="1"]
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="4" ccaps="" desc="level 4 Membership - 2 Years @ $90" custom="|R|06-2017" ta="90" tp="2" tt="Y" ra="0" rp="1" rt="D" rr="0" rrt="" rra="2" years="2"]
If anyone has any suggestions A.S.A.P. I’d REALLY appreciate it. The site has hundreds of renewals that are taking place this week.
]]>I need to include the EOT date (in human readable format) inside the Signup Confirmation Email message. This is the email that is sent to Customers after they successfully complete a PayPal “Pro-Form” submission.
Thank you in advance.
]]>Can someone please let me know the shortcode to display the Account Expiration Date. I searched through the s2Member guides and Knowledge Base articles and cannot find it anywhere.
I also read the s2Member tutorials Customizing your Login Welcome Page and the [s2Get /] Shortcode Documentation, but could not find the shortcode listed there either.
The closest shortcode I found is the [s2Get user_field=”s2member_auto_eot_time” /], but the output of that shortcode would have to be converted first.
I also found similar post in the forums suggesting the use of PHP, which seems like an overkill for this.
Thank you in advance.
]]>I have seen some posts about using Mail Chimp integration to send EOT renewal reminders, also some paid plug in, would like to see a simple streamlined solution.
]]>I’ve read through other threads regarding EOT and haven’t found anyone having this problem exactly. What information can I provide to help figure this out?