Is there a way to add Listening Platform buttons (Apple, Google, Spotify, etc.) to the individual podcast pages? I’d like the buttons to link directly to the specific episode.
Also, the following links regarding shortcodes lead to 404 errors:
Have these pages been relocated?
]]>There are no existing posts in WP. I delete them all every time I try to import. There’s nothing else in the database relating to the Podcast or other episodes.
It doesn’t seem to be a plugin conflict issue. I disabled them one by one to see if one of them was causing an issue, but there were no conflicts.
The Seriously Simple Podcasting docs say that the issue is caused by the podcast being locked. I’ve confirmed that the podcast is not locked.
Any suggestions on solving the import issue?
]]> recently upgraded my site’s version of PHP to v8.1.
I’m naive to programming and WordPress. I might not understand more complex jargon/terms. Let me know what additional information would help fix this issue. Thanks so much!
]]>I went and created my first podcast episode/post, and now PowerPress says I have three. Trouble is, I can’t submit my ‘cast to any services because there must be a problem with those ‘phantom’ episodes.
How can I find what PowerPress thinks these “existing episodes” are so I can fix or delete them?
]]>Thank you for creating this awesome WP plugin that makes it very easy for content publishers to manage Content Feed with a nice GUI instead of having to manually update the JSON file.
So I have created the Content Feed(JSON) using WP Smart TV plugin and added two categories of videos. Short-form and Series episodes. I have also enabled the Trickplay file support from WP Smart TV settings. And uploaded all the relevant .BIF files to my WP-Content/Uploads folder for every short-form video as well as Series episodes.
The problem is when you create or update an Episode and attach Trickplay files, it does not get added in the JSON feed inside the Content{} Associative Array. Interestingly, when you update or add a new Video(Short-form) and attach the Trickplay files, WP Smart TV plugin properly updates the JSON with trickPlayFiles[] array. So it seems to me that there is a bug in the plugin when trying to attach Trickplay files to a new Episode or updating existing Episode with Trickplay files. What is interesting is that, the uploaded Trickplay files does shows up on the Episode’s Trickplay section. However the JSON feed is not being updated by the WP Smart TV plugin which seems like a bug?
So I thought for a workaround and downloaded the JSON feed from WP Smart TV settings, and manually added trickPlayFiles[] array with relevant values and then import that modified JSON from WP Smart TV settings. Interestingly, the WP Smart TV imports all the short-form videos and series episodes preserving all the fields and values in the JSON. But it leaves out all the trickPlayFiles[] field and does not import it for either Short-form Videos or Episodes which is a second bug.
Can you please fix and provide a resolution for these as I am trying to add BIF files for full Episodes which is compulsory to pass Certification testing for SDK channel in order to publish on Channel Store.
I encountered these bugs on WP Smart TV Version 2.1.8 installed on WordPress 6.0.3
]]>I have the template option set to ‘theme’ in the edit page menu.
What else do I need to do in order to get the template to actually import?
]]>It works with standard WordPress taxonomies, so it is great, as it allows you to use other tools to work with it. For instance, I was able to automate syndicated (RSS) series using FeedWordPress and Automatic Post Tagger.
I’m glad development has resumed. The plugin had hiccups for a little while, but it was all fixed quickly enough.
Overall, great plugin! Thanks for sharing your work!