I just installed www.ads-software.com and Jetpack a week ago, so most up to date versions I believe. No buttons on the Sharing Page will work, just get error code 32301. Website is https://kimandcarrie.com. Any help?
]]>my site is https://www.shivverma.com
]]>my site is www.shivverma.com
]]>Before you hit Publish, please refresh your connection to make sure we can Publicize your post:
Refresh connection with LinkedIn
When hiting the refresh button I got an error back:
Something which should never happen, happened. Sorry about that. If you try again, maybe it will work. Error code: -32301
Any Ideas ?
P.S. I tried to remove my LinkdIn connection and add them again but now after removing them I can not add them
]]>“Something which should never happen, happened. Sorry about that. If you try again, maybe it will work. Error code: -32301”
I have tried googing, searching the forums and i can not seem to fix it. Could somone please help me with some troubleshooting steps.