Will there be a correction in the next few hours? From this version onwards, WP will only be updated in English?
I don’t know how to solve the problem. Thanks for your help!
I don’t know why there is not available the version in Spanish for this version of WordPress.
Can you help me?
]]>Thank you in advance.
]]>I also changed the locale for the theme language from es_ES to es_AR, I don’t see any change either.
I deleted my plugin cache but everything looks the same.
Any idea what else I could try?
]]>Im looking to use es_ES language inside plugin, and I detected how the file .po is corrupted.
First opening by poedit advise about Language column not exist. Now appears the form completely in english.
If I translate manually the name of every page “Checkout” etc, the function inside plugin brakes and I can’t use the funcionalities of plugin. How I can translate the Title of every page inside wp e-commerce?
And how I can translate Checkout form? Im not using WPML or Qtranslate, Im only interested to use in one language, not more.
]]>In the admin/class-admin.php you can find the function stopwords() to replace the stop word in several languages. In Spanish this string is not translated and therefore it doesn’t work.
How can we translate this string? The wordpress-seo-es_ES.mo can’t be edited.
We would also like that you include this update in further versions of the plugin.
For Spanish, the correct string translation is:
a, algún, alguna, algunas, alguno, algunos, ambos, ampleamos, ante, antes, aquel, aquellas, aquellos, aqui, arriba, atras, b, bajo, bastante, bien, c, cada, cierta, ciertas, ciertos, como, con, conseguimos, conseguir, consigo, consigue, consiguen, consigues, cual, cuando, d, dentro, donde, dos, e, el, ellas, ellos, empleais, emplean, emplear, empleas, empleo, en, encima, entonces, entre, era, eramos, eran, eras, eres, es, esta, estaba, estado, estais, estamos, estan, estoy, f, fin, fue, fueron, fui, fuimos, g, gueno, h, ha, hace, haceis, hacemos, hacen, hacer, haces, hago, i, incluso, intenta, intentais, intentamos, intentan, intentar, intentas, intento, ir, j, k, l, la, largo, las, lo, los, m, mientras, mio, modo, muchos, muy, n, nos, nosotros, o, otro, p, para, pero, podeis, podemos, poder, podria, podriais, podriamos, podrian, podrias, por qué, por, porque, primero desde, puede, pueden, puedo, q, quien, r, s, sabe, sabeis, sabemos, saben, saber, sabes, ser, si, siendo, sin, sobre, sois, solamente, solo, somos, soy, su, sus, t, también, teneis, tenemos, tener, tengo, tiempo, tiene, tienen, todo, trabaja, trabajais, trabajamos, trabajan, trabajar, trabajas, trabajo, tras, tuyo, u, ultimo, un, una, unas, uno, unos, usa, usais, usamos, usan, usar, usas, uso, v, va, vais, valor, vamos, van, vaya, verdad, verdadera cierto, verdadero, vosotras, vosotros, voy, w, x, y, yo, z
Best regards,
]]>We translated your plugin to Spanish (Spain). It would be great if you could include it in the next versión.
You can download the es_ES language file here: insert-post-ads-es_ES.rar.
Best regards,
]]>We decided to translate your plugin to Spanish, but in order to make the translation work, we have to add the following line in the function function register_assets()
of the main plugin file magic-action-box.php
load_plugin_textdomain( 'mab', false, basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages' );
It would be great if you could consider adding these lines permanently to the magic-action-box.php
file and also create the folder languages
If you decide to include it, everybody can easily translate your great plugin into another language and get it working by placing the files into the languages
folder of the plugin; without modifying the plugin files. If no language file is available, the default english version will be shown.
You can also include our translation to Spanish (es_ES) which can be found at: Traducción de Magic Action Box al Espa?ol (es_ES).
We hope you can mke this small change and help everybody that wants to translate your great plugin.
By the way, thanks for your great work.
]]>Hice la traducción del tema en su versión 2.0.1, ya que estoy usando la anterior ya me actualizare yo también.
Para descargar el archivo de traducción esta en mi sitio web traducción tema alexandria