Thank you!
]]>Say Weekend 1 is event A, Weekend 2 is event B. When I use the grouped syntax, it displays:
+Friday1 A
+Saturday1 A
+Sunday1 A
+Friday2 B
+Saturday2 B
What I want is:
+Friday1 A
+Saturday1 A
+Sunday1 A
+Friday2 B
+Saturday2 B
+Sunday2 B
function get_price_with_tax( $format = false ){
$pretaxPrice = $this->get_price_without_tax();
$adjustableTaxRate = 12;
if ( $pretaxPrice >= 30 ) {
$adjustableTaxRate = 11;
if ($pretaxPrice >= 40) {
$adjustableTaxRate = 10;
if ($pretaxPrice >= 50) {
$adjustableTaxRate = 9;
if ($pretaxPrice >= 60) {
$adjustableTaxRate = 8;
// etc...
$price = ceil($pretaxPrice * (1 + $adjustableTaxRate/100)); // ceil(); rounds up
if( $format ) return $this->format_price($price);
return $price;
This code is working quite well and it displays the price exactly as expected on the front end. However, when you actually book an event, it charges the credit card using the tax value entered in Settings>Bookings>PricingOptions.
Is there another file or function from which the final price is passed that would be pulling this tax rate directly from the Settings value?
I am using Braintree as a payment gateway using I think it gets the amount from
'amount' => $EM_Booking->get_price(false, false, true),
What are those boolean parameters? Maybe I could tell it to get
'amount' => $EM_Booking->get_price_with_tax(),
but I don’t know what params to put in there, or if that’s even accurate at all.
Anyone know where to point me?
]]>If meta_query is the only option, what’s the meta key to make query using WP_Query orderby event’s date? (not published date or post id)
Thank You so much for this awesome event’s plugin
It’s really reliable & strong
]]>But, if we want to enable booking, we have to fill the individual ticket which has default limit to 10 spaces. So the questions are:
1. Is it possible to set individual ticket space to unlimited? (by leaving it empty or by another way. Currently, if we leave it empty, it will use the default – 10)
2. Or, is it possible to just make the individual ticket’s space limit to follow up the general space limit?
Thank You very much for your help
]]>Page Link-
Thank you for your help
]]>Any and all suggestions as to the cause and solution will be greatfully received
into events-list.php, so that it displays the post_meta into my events-list. Here is get_post_meta code:
<?php $this_post_id = get_the_ID();
$key_2_value = get_post_meta( $this_post_id, 'custom_select', true );
if( ! empty( $key_2_value )) {
echo $EM_Event->output( '{no_category_class} '. $key_2_value.' {/no_category_class}'); ;} ?>
Code from events-list.php:
$args = apply_filters('em_content_events_args', $args);
if( get_option('dbem_css_evlist') ) echo "<div class='css-events-list'>";
echo 'TEST '.EM_Events::Output( array('format'=>
'<a href="#_EVENTURL" border=0>why doesnt this work list of categories </a>
'limit'=>20, 'pagination'=>1));
if( get_option('dbem_css_evlist') ) echo "</div>";
How can I incorporate get_post_meta
code into events-list.php code?
I would really appreciate a bit of guidance from someone, really stuck on this. Thank-you!
]]>I’m evaluating the possibility of creating a multi-language WordPress site by using a multisite subdomain based environment (with the help of Multilingual Press –?Free edition for now).
I am using empty root blog which is supposed to show more or less just a language selector, plus two child blogs – in this case and for English and German; other languages will follow.
BuddyPress 2.0.1 is working smoothly (after figuring out the global avatar issue): They show up over both language branches, can interact with each other, all good.
I got Events Manager 5.5.3 installed. I removed the event related pages from the root blog, but they are present in the child blogs and working well. “Enable global tables mode” is enabled. Still – I can’t figure out how to create global events.
For the time being, I’m creating events using the WP Admin user. If I create them in the root blog, they are available only in the root blog –?which doesn’t work too well, as I don’t have the respective pages there. However, they don’t show up in the child blogs.
Likewise, if I create events in one the child blogs, they don’t show up in the other one. I can, however, add a “[events_list blog=x]” smartcode to the events page to at least list the other blog’s events.
But when a user books into an event, his “My Bookings” page shows only the bookings from the child blog he is just visiting. To my knowledge, there’s no “[bookings blog=x]” smartcode that I could add as a workaround.
So – what am I doing wrong? Is there something that I’m missing to create true global events that will be visible on all child blogs, while hopefully the “My Bookings” page will also show all of them for every user?
Thanks a lot in advance – any help is highly appreciated!