Have index image attachments disabled under Indexing options and have this in the functions.php file. Rebuild the index, cleared site cached and have WP cache disabled.
add_filter( 'relevanssi_indexing_restriction', 'rlv_no_image_attachments' );
function rlv_no_image_attachments( $restriction ) {
global $wpdb;
$restriction['mysql'] .= " AND post.ID NOT IN (SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'attachment' AND post_mime_type LIKE 'image%' ) ";
$restriction['reason'] .= ' No images';
return $restriction;
But images are still appering on a search page. Is there another method to prevent images from appearing in the excerpts? https://oicmf.org/?s=lisa
Thank you,
]]>Thanks very much in advance,
How can I remove html code from search result?
]]>I use the latest version of PublishPress Checklists (PPC) 2.11.0.
I’m not sure if the problem started when I was upgraded to WP 6.6 or when I upgraded to PPC 2.11.0. They happen automatically.
When I click on “Add an excerpt” and I add text to the dialog box that pops up, closing the box does not save the text. Clicking on the “X”, clicking outside the box, and clicking “Add an excerpt” will all save the text when I disable PPC. But it will not when I have PPC activated.
One of my check list items is “Minimum of 5 characters in excerpt”. Whether or not I have this as a checklist item, the problem persists.
I have disabled all other plugins. The only plugin that causes this problem is PPC.
When I roll back to PPC 2.10.4 or 2.10.3 it does not work.
When I roll back to 2.10.2, 2.10.0, or 2.9.1 then everything works.
Please let me know if I can provide more information. This is a wonderful plugin and I really want to keep using it.
]]><p><span class="excerpt_part"></span></p>
This would be undesirable even for pages/posts that have no custom excerpts. If there’s no excerpt, no HTML should be output.
]]>Excerpts are not showing on archive pages when Starbox is enabled, but they show again when it is disabled. (We’re leaving it enabled for now, see page link for our archive page.) Please fix, as we love the Starbox plugin.
]]>I’ve been using your plugins for quite some time now, and I’ve noticed that with Gutenberg, the output of the excerpts isn’t working properly when they are written in the excerpt box.
The Excerpts out put is [:en]Like that[:cat]lCom això[es:]como esto …
It appears that the translation is only functioning properly when the excerpts are taken from the content, not when they are written directly in the excerpt box.
Any insights on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
If you scroll down and find our rooms, there are some excerpts in the rooms that are still in greek but some other rooms are in English excerpts. All rooms have a Greek and English versions. Can someone help me out ? Thanks in advance.