]]>First off thank you and the team for making an amazing compression technology. I’m really surprised PS hasn’t touched you guys yet.
First, is there a way to change the amount of compression on the wordpress plugin? I’m finding some JPEGs become overly compressed (example in post URL).
Secondly, is there a way to exclude certain images from being compressed? Right now it all happens automatically and sometimes I don’t want it to compress my upload. I have to deactivate the plugin to accomplish this…
]]>I would like to exclude images from my field [field listing_introduction_content] the field is a regular editor within the ‘listing’ custom post. For the fields that only have text, they look great. For those with images, it messes up the formatting. I’d rather just pass the text only from this field.
[loop type="listing" status=any strip_tags=true orderby=title columns=2 pad='10px 30px']
[field image size=large url=title-link]
[field title-link]
[field listing_introduction_content ]
Thank you!
]]>Also,sometimes,this works, but most of the time, images are not exluded.
]]>Nice plugin! I’d like to recommend it in combination with my CSS plugin, Microthemer. I’m currently writing a CSS/responsive design tutorial for beginners. There’s an issue however.
Microthemer stores images that might be used as CSS background images in /wp-content/uploads. CSS background images should generally not be resized with AI. One workaround could be for the user to add no-ai at the end of any image names they want excluded (before uploading). They could then update their .htaccess file to exclude such images. Of course it would be easier for them if your plugin could do this via an “Exclude images (regex allowed)” field.
Do you think this would be a useful feature for your plugin in general?
]]>I love the plugin and think this can be the future, especially with avoiding the manual sizing of the images. Great work!
Many thanks
]]>Just wondering: Is there a way to EXCLUDE Images by ID #? It would be great if there was a field for users to enter an image ID# so the image DOES NOT appear in the sitemap.
Please let me know, thanks!
]]>I have successfully used conditional tags to display an image ONLY on the Front Page and not on the rest of the pages, but through searching and pulling hair out I have not been able to come up with the code to have an image display on the entire site EXCEPT the front page.
I guess I am looking for a snippet that would add an image to all posts/pages through the page.php file but would exclude the image if the page were the front page.
I would share the link but I have been contracted through another designer and do not want to jeopardize the relationship.