This forms appears across all pages on our site.
On the backend, the form has a JS script running that assigns a long random string to the submission. This is becasue our autoresponder needs each submission to be unique, or it is rejected on the back end.
Really, we need this form to be excepted from Cleantalk.
We have tried adding exclusion by form field name “Phone”, however it does not work, and the error message persists.
How can we resolve please.
]]>We have a loading screen that fetches files in the background. I have set up WP Meteor to “Delay until first interaction”. To prevent the loading screen from being displayed for too long, I implemented a small script that triggers user interaction automatically.
I attempted to exclude the script using the following paths in WP Meteor Exclusions, but it did not work:
None of these exclusions seem to work, and the script is still being delayed by WP Meteor. Could you please let me know the correct way to exclude this script in the plugin settings?
Thank you in advance.
The sample url:, (where 204 will vary)
The url redirection is defined in the htaccess as:
RewriteRule ^pxpdflip_stream/([^/]+)[/]?$ /wp-content/themes/mytheme/lib/FlipBook/1.0/lib/streamfile.php?ao=$1 [QSA,L]
So far, I have added an entry like this in the ‘Never minify the following pages’ section of ‘Performance > Minify > Advanced’ :
But it is not working. The page outputs a 500 error. Once the plugin is disabled, it works fine Can you please help?
PS: I want to exclude these pages from all types of caching.
]]>I have been communicating for 2 weeks and the authors of the WP Dark Mode plugin, which becomes broken as soon as I activate your EWWW plugin (which I want to continue using). Support from the WP Dark Mode plugin found out (I gave them login information directly to my live page to look at it) that the “Easy IO for all resources” function from the EWWW plugin is responsible for the incorrect functionality of WP Dark Mode.
Specifically, when they turned off the option:
Include All Resources
Use Easy IO for all resources in wp-includes/ and wp-content/, including JavaScript, CSS, fonts, etc.
Then the WP Dark Mode plugin started working properly.
But I want to have the Easy IO function turned on for all resources.
That’s why we wanted to use the Exclusions function you have in your EWWW plugin and proceed with the WP Dark Modre plugin support, according to your guide how to exclude things from Easy IO
And we also tried several variants of excluding the WP Dark Mode plugin from Easy IO:
However, neither option worked (of course we also cleared the cache).
Therefore, we became aware that the given Exlusions function in the EWWW plugin does not work properly.
Could you please look into it and fix the problem?
Because I plan to subscribe to your EWWW plugin for a year, but at the same time I want to continue using the WP Dark Mode plugin.
Thank you very much for your early reply.
Dominik Kozmáli
I noticed from the information provided that your plugin allows for both automatic and manual input of affiliate products/links, however I’ve seen no option available and have inputted all links manually.
The links I created are not automatically hyperlinking keywords, where some keywords may use unique lettering such as hyphenated letters. This also includes some keywords that are just one word.
According to the information I saw, there were supposed to be options such as “General Settings” and the option to export/import from a text file, of which I do not see as an option.
My administrator has informed me that I should have no restrictions on their site and thus I’ve come here to found out a way to resolve this.
Also excluded posts do not show after being added.
The statistics panel can’t be activated by me, even though I have the associated permissions.
I’ve added linked from both the Amazon US and UK sites, as some products do not share proprietary access across both, I’m not sure if this would present as an issue.
The WordPress version is fully updated as well.
I’ve considered using shortcode to hyperlink keywords but that is rather time consuming when there are an abundance of posts, and the hyperlinks appear in a different colour.
What do I need to do to resolve this? I appreciate the assistance!
I’m making changes to my wprocket JavaScript exclusions. As I’m not the only working on my website I can’t distinguish which code is from your plugin and which not. Please clarify the exact code lines your plugin adds to wprocket?
I can’t find any documentation about this, that’s why I’m starting a topic.
Kind regards
]]>Would this suffice to stop the Plugin affecting these pages/widgets (based on Class names)?
A great plugin! Thank you.
I have followed your instructions for exclusions, and it works beautifully on the menu links.
But I cannot make it work on pagination links: previous/next/page number. It opens in new tab, which is not right.
I tried to specify the class, but am clearly doing something wrong. Can you help?
Thank you,