Thanks for any feedback.
]]>Also, I review the plugin call Custom Database Applications by Caspio and they offering all what I am looking for, but I am not wants to use there server and database.
Thanks in advanced.
]]>I clicked the import button and then clicked on import. This happened about more than 5 months ago! And since then the import screen is only showing a status that the content is being imported and I should contact support if the import hasn’t been completed within 24 hours.
Here’s the text that’s being displayed on the import page in wp-admin…
Import WordPress
We're processing your import now and will send you an email when it's all done. If you don't hear from us within 24 hours, please contact support, and we'll get everything fixed.
Please could someone provide support on how to stop this import?
The blog to be imported was only about 4-5 blog posts. It should have completed within 30 seconds on a normal XAMPP setup!
Thanks for any help.
For example, if one of my staff members has a separate website they’d like to include in their profile.
]]>Are you planning on adding a feature that would allow us to show a popup when users are coming from a specific external website?
That’d be great.
Thanks a lot.