However, I can’t scroll down and I don’t see an “add your domain” button.
There’s just a few links like “about” and “create app”.
Amy suggestions?
]]>Anyways when I checked the debug tools I get the below errors. I’m not sure that it means or how to correct it. Reproduce by visiting Enter as the url. It seems to be mistaking my fanpage as a profile? I do want the insights associated with my fanpage but i’m totally unsure of how to fix this current error.
Object at URL '' of type 'article' is invalid because the given value '' for property 'article:publisher' could not be parsed as type 'profile'.
Errors That Must Be Fixed
Object Invalid Value Object at URL '' of type 'article' is invalid because the given value '' for property 'article:publisher' could not be parsed as type 'profile'.
]]>This message comes up when i try to link my sight to Facebook:
‘Bad request
No admin data found at root web page “”. Insights requires admin data at the root web page for the domain “”. Use to verify that we are able to extract the admin data from your root web page.
When i go to the debug page these errors come up:
‘ Warnings That Should Be Fixed
Inferred Property The ‘og:url’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Inferred Property The ‘og:title’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
og:image could not be downloaded or is too small og:image was not defined, could not be downloaded or was not big enough. Please define a chosen image using the og:image metatag, and use an image that’s at least 200x200px and is accessible from Facebook. Image ‘’ will be used instead. ‘
How can i fix this?
]]>I have the Official facebook plugin installed on:
…AND this excellent plugin (configured to float on the left hand side) However when some one clicks on the facebook plugin Like box, it gives the option to share the content and also places the fact that they have liked the page on there newsfeed, However when they click on this plug in, it seems as though it is just acting as a simple counter and not feeding this information back to facebook.
Is this the case, can anyone help with this, the number counter seems to match up BUT the effect of the click seems to vary considerably.
]]>I am trying to add Facebook Insights to my WordPress blog but I’m not sure how to add this meta tag to my blog. It says I am supposed to add it to my root webpage. Inside my admin panel, do I go to >Appearance and then to >Editor and then edit the [Main Index Template (index.php)]?
Obviously, I am not too good at editing these types of files inside my blog but if someone can tell me if I am going to the right place to edit, which file I need to edit and possibly where to paste the meta-tag in, I should be okay. My blog URL is: Missing Persons United States
This is what Facebook tells me to do:
Add a meta tag to your webpage
Gain access to insights for your website by adding a fb:admins, fb:page_id, or fb:app_id meta tag to your root webpage, linking it to your personal account or an application.
This is the meta-tag that needs pasted:
<meta property=”fb:admins” content=”1306662556″ />
There is not much to the meta-tag and instructions, and that is all Facebook offers on the Insights Page.
Thanks in advance for the help!