I am having a weird, yet important problem with MailPoet plugin.
I have been playing with it for a while and I realized that it somehow collides with every FAQ plugin I use.
I have two forms configured in MailPoet. First one is a popup, second is a shortcode used explicitly on one page. If any of these two forms are active, an error occurs when I click a FAQ entry.
By saying “error” I mean that a popup appears with roughly the width of my popup mailpoet form with a decent amount of mailpoet css code. Obviously it is not desired and makes the page unusuable.
I will cite only a few first lines of that code. You may visit and see it yourself here: https://japawood.pl/faq/ (just click a first FAQ entry).
.mailpoet_hp_email_label{display:none!important;}#mp_form_popup1 .mailpoet_form { } #mp_form_popup1 form { margin-bottom: 0; } #mp_form_popup1 p.mailpoet_form_paragraph.last { margin-bottom: 10px; } #mp_form_popup1 .mailpoet_column_with_background { padding: 10px; } #mp_form_popup1 .mailpoet_form_column:not(:first-child) {
I believe it is a known error, as I could easily google many pages with that thing. I double checked the forum here using search button, but found no relevant posts.
I have tested a second faq plugin, the same happens.
Hope you can help me out guys.
]]>SUBCATEGORY1: all the subcategory1 questions
SUBCATEGORY2: all the subcategory2 questions
Not the following which is what I get from [ultimate-faqs include_category=’common’] I get something similar if I just include the subcategories as well
PARENT CATEGORY: All the questions from every Category
SUBCATEGORY1: all the questions listed under Common and then all the subcategory1 questions and any other categories where those questions are assigned with the questions repeated under each heading
SUBCATEGORY2: all the questions listed under Common and then all the subcategory2 questions and any other categories where those questions are assigned with the questions repeated
I’ve tried a number of different ways of achieving that – I’ve taken them out of the parent category and listed each category in the shortcode I’ve also tried a separate shortcode for each one…
Any help is greatly appreciated…
]]>Thank you in advance
]]>You can find the FAQ page here: https://www.oflarinascente.com/faq-risposte-a-domande-frequenti/
E.g. a FAQ link is (as I can see in the FAQ creation page) https://www.oflarinascente.com/faq/cose-il-periodo-di-osservazione-e-quanto-dura/
The shortlink for this page is https://www.oflarinascente.com/?p=492
Using both previous links I obtain a 404 error page.
Is it possible to reach directly a FAQ Question?