? Cloudflare Cache-Control max-age: 31536000
? Browser Cache-Control max-age: 60
? Purge cache for related pages only: Enabled
? Don’t cache dynamic content (recommended settings): Enabled
? Strip response cookies on cacheable pages: Enabled
? Enable preloader: Enabled
? Auto prefetch URLs in viewport: Enabled
I’m currently facing two issues:
I have two page rules set up in Cloudflare:
1. A rule from the Super Page Cache plugin.
2. A custom rule I created to remove the Facebook query string:
Forwarding URL 302 to https://domain.com/kurdish/?1
Our website is a news site with a high volume of daily visitors. At times, the server’s CPU load spikes to 95% because Cloudflare is redirecting all requests to the origin, causing the server to become unresponsive and the website to go down.
]]>I have noticed in my html code that the reference link to AMP in some posts has appeared with a strange extension (…/amp/?fbclid=…), example:
<link rel="amphtml" /><meta name="generator" content="AMP for WP" />
Could you help me understand why this is happening?
]]>90% of our traffic comes from Facebook campaigns and I’ve seen some people saying that Cloudflare doesn’t cache pages with fbclid.
I don’t want to harm data traching.
Plugins like WP Rocket handle fbclid very well, but I want to be able to use edge caching to prevent traffic from reaching the origin server.
Can your plugin help me in this case?
]]>I know there was another post about this but it’s two years old, so just checking – is there any solution to the fbclid problem, where any links from Facebook have this tagged on the end and it makes them 404?
I know really it’s a “Facebook being annoying” problem, but I was hoping there’s a way to strip it from the URL.
]]>I know it’s possible with Workers, but I think it’s also possible with Rewrite Rules, correct?
See this rule I created: https://i.postimg.cc/zXCCG0Cy/image.png
It ignores all queries that exist “fbclid”
In my tests every time it gave HIT.
Can you confirm if this is correct? If yes, implement it in your plugin
when clicking the link from FB it is much slower to load
If you are coming from a social network or just have any parameter on the link (?12345 or ?fbclid=IwAR2vmxbvR):
<link rel="canonical" href="https://example.com/asgaros/test-opoveshhenij.html" />
<link rel="amphtml" href=https://example.com/asgaros/test-opoveshhenij.html/amp?12345">
You can check this on any site if you add parameters to the link.
Google indexes such links and writes to the panel, even if it is prohibited in robots.txt
How can I get rid of parameters in a link in a tag amphtml?
]]>I again excuse so many messages
I’m having trouble with translations, for example:
site.com/ CACHE OK Superfast!
site.com/?lang=en CACHE Not fast :/
If I put “Lang” in “Cached Query Strings” it will ignore the translation and deliver the orinal language, correct?
I’m using wpml
]]>I know that there are several threads about the “fbclid” parameter from facebook.
But I think, that there is a real bug within the plugin.
I’ve got a redirect for searching for skus, with optional adding parameters, e.g.:
Source URL:
Target URL:
It seemed to work fine – BUT only when I’m logged into WordPress! When not logged in, the redirection goes to the homepage, the browser URL field shows:
For now I’ve added this code into htaccess to remove the Facebook parameter, but it would ne nice to get this fixed in the future.