I installed Featured SlideShow 1.1.1 (Plugin)
But im having some problems,
In the help text file it says:
Place the [feature-slideshow] shortcode in a post / page, or put ( feature_slideshow_init(); )in your code, where you want the slideshow.
I dont want to place it in the post i want to place in on my main page
where do i insert the code: feature_slideshow_init();
in the Theme php files! but where?
thx in advance
]]>Code from index.php —
$tmp_query = $wp_query;
query_posts(‘showposts=3&cat=’ . get_cat_ID(dp_settings(‘featured1’)));
if (have_posts()) :
while (have_posts()) : the_post();
<div class=”item”> “>
<?php dp_attachment_image($post->ID, ‘full’, ‘alt=”‘ . $post->post_title . ‘”‘); ?>
<div class=”text”> <?php echo dp_clean($post->post_content, 220); ?> </div>
$wp_query = $tmp_query;
Thank you for any assistance.
]]>I’ve been using the wp fishy theme for this site and I’m having some real issues with the sticky posts slideshow not displaying text/header of the post. I’ve deactiveated all plugins, resizad images etc but to no avail.
The problem seems to be occuring randomly, some posts are fine others have no text. I’ve tried editing and reediting the text with random success. Sometimes this helps, sometimes not and I’m finding it impossible to find reasons for this. I’ve been in touch with the theme author who is yet to come back to me, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks
]]>I have the GameNow theme and am having a hard time getting the featured slideshow and to only contain posts marked in the Featured Artists category. No matter what category I select for the post it ends up in the featured slideshow. Tried to follow instructions below, but I must be doing something wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Instructions from GameNow FAQ:
you need to set the featured_category_id in the wpn_config.php file to the featured category ID.
Here’s the original code in the wpn_config.php file:
// Feautured Category ID
‘featured_category’ => ‘3’,
// Highlights Category IDs
‘highlights_category_id_1′ => ’10’,
‘highlights_category_id_2’ => ‘5’,
‘highlights_category_id_3’ => ‘7’,
The lower left corner of firefox says the Featured Artists category ID is 4.
I am also having similar issues with the Highlights section. Urg!
Instructions from GameNow FAQ:
To set the highlight categories open the wpn_config.php file found in the theme’s
root directory and edit the 3 category IDs for under highlights_category_id_1,
highlights_category_id_2 and highlights_category_id_3.
I’d like to create a homepage slideshow that has links to static pages within my site structure rather than new posts.
A good example of what I’m looking for is the slideshow on https://ParticipantProductions.com.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!