so here i am with the same exact problem that @nathanwpstr faced nine months ago. why ? either start wordpress off on a static page with a blog page option, or give us a choice of where we want to start. i started my static page on the blog page, and now have to migrate my information just like idk how many other have had to do
]]>But the key part to getting the error to show up is a custom hook firing a certain function.
I have a hook on “forminator_custom_form_submit_field_data”
That hits a function to process the form in a way the Plugin can’t.
So the form has a file upload for an image, and it also processes the image.
If the hook fires any WordPress handle upload i.e. wp_handle_upload() or wp_handle_sideload() or media_handle_upload().
The form errors out. And give a message that it failed to submit even though it did.
]]>Ridiculous plugin!
]]>The only reason I still use WordPress is because I’ve already invested the time in figuring it out, and they still have the ability to turn on the classic editor and pretend like Gutenberg doesn’t exist. I’m moving to Squarespace or Wix the moment they get rid of the classic editor.
]]>This site is multi-site by the and this lousy bug is free from the others ( and I suspect that it has something to do with bbpress forum, as this is like that since I am using this plugin.
(Whole “User=Author” WP system is a POS btw, especially, when we encounter plugins, which are bugged as HELL, like yours.
]]>Where should I add this line of code?
How do I fix the AddMedia button. I have done the following
Updated to 4.4.1 and now when I try to add media to a post nothing happens.
I can upload to my media library but when I place the cursor in a post and click add media nothing happens.
Have disabled plugins, cleared cache and cookies, restarted, tried different browsers etc. Am on Safari 9.0.2 running OS X 10.11.2