For my Home/Landing page in desktop mode only, i wish to fix the column width of a section so that it is not effected or responsive to any user changing the width of their browser window, on their desktop. You can lock the background image of the section, so that it is not effected by the size of the browser window, but I can not find a way to stop the column widths shrinking in line with the browser window width being made smaller by the user, which obviously bunches up the words making it look awful. I would love the columns to not be responsive for just this one landing page in desktop mode.
I can see how automatic column size adjustments would be necessary in most (nearly all) responsive web page set ups, but for just this desktop landing page, i don’t want it to be the case. IS IT POSSIBLE?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Using “Gallery Type” > “Fixed Columns” with the following parameters:
Number of Columns: 4 -> WORKS (Shows 4 Columns)
Responsive Columns:
1200 px | 3 Columns -> WORKS (Shows 3 Columns)
768px | 2 Columns -> DOES NOT WORK (Only shows one column)
320px | 2 Columns -> DOES NOT WORK (Only shows one column)
Distance between images: 10 pixels (in 768 & 320 px, one column the gap is 0)
Please help me as these parameters used to work but do not work anymore. Also as it shows in one column format; for 768 & 320, the images are pixelated!
]]>great plugin!
I am using your extension “fixed columns”.
I have many columns and the reader has to scroll horizontal very wide.
There are two problems:
Is it possible to use a column pagination instead of the horizontal scrolling?
For example: The first column is fixed (as it already is) and the other columns could be paged with 1-8 columns per page. Every “next” click would change the columns except the fixed column, you know?
The second problem is, that the fixed column extension has a little bug with the firefox visualisation. Even your example has it. Do you know how to fix it?
It appears when you have the extension activated AND the horizontal scrolling from the backend settings.
When the scrolling from the backend settings is deactivated it’s okay. I tried to use the scroll function from your responsive extension (the bug doesn’t appear then), but the this scrolling doesn’t mind the fixed column and everything is scrolling again. So every option has not the full function :-/
Maybe you have a solution for it! Thanks a lot!
also Tobi from Germany
I’m using the Fixed Columns extension, and I’ve fixed the first 2 columns.
The fixed columns are slightly out of alignment with the other columns.
The table in question:
]]>Any ideas???
]]>I am using TablePress version 1.6 with DataTables FixedColumns extension version 1.1.
When I use the WP content editor everything works but when I use the shortcode and the extension in Thrive Content Builder the scrollbar disappears and the table is shown in full width. When I deactivate the datatables_fixedcolumns extension, the table is shown with a scrollbar in Thrive Content Builder.
I understand you could say that you don’t support using TablePress with Thrive Content Builder but I hope you still take a look at it. Maybe there is an easy fix?
Here is the link:
The shortcode I use = [table id=6 datatables_fixedcolumns=”left”/]
Thank you anyway for creating and supporting a great plugin.
]]>We have the TablePress Extension: DataTables FixedColumns
plugin running. We’re using fixed table layout and setting all the columns to 150px.
Any thoughts or help on this would be greatly appreciated I’m pretty lost on this one.
All we’re trying to do is set the first column as fixed and set individual column widths.
Custom CSS added to the Custom CSS in Plugin Options
.tablepress .odd td {
background-color: #ffffff;
.tablepress .even td {
background-color: #A4A86B;
/* Table Head BG COLOR */
.tablepress thead th {
background-color: #59621D;
.tablepress .row-hover tr:hover td {
background-color: #edeee1;
#content thead th {
color: #ffffff;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 18px;
padding: 9px 24px;
.tablepress tbody td {
font-family: Helvetica Neue;
font-size: 14px;
color: #333333;
.tablepress {
table-layout: fixed;
.tablepress .column-1 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-2 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-3 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-4 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-5 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-6 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-7 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-8 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-9 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-10 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-11 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-12 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-13 {
width: 150px !important;
.tablepress .column-14 {
width: 150px !important;
]]>But I am unable to make it work whether I enable DataTables or not. I have enabled datatables_tabletools=”true” in the post and then try enabling fixed columns but no effect. Tried it without enabling the tools too.