I was wondering whether it is possible to include event specs in the import process via .csv file.
If I was to add this functionality with custom code, would this be a major effort?
Over the past 24 hours, the website page that keeps all the fixtures and results just keeps failing to load for anyone the majority of the time (tried 4G, 5G, wi-fi, mobile, desktop and different browsers, and cleared cache both from wordpress and on devices).
The only thing that has changed on the website is that we have added more results. I have tried ticking and unticking the pagination option to split up the content thinking there might just be too much on the page, but makes no difference at all.
All other pages on the website (https://www.palefoxesports.com) work no problem at all and we don’t get this error.
Could anyone please advise?
Thanks, Dave
…. EDITED to add that the individual event pages load fine (example: https://palefoxesports.com/event/pale-fox-esports-vs-ecp-academie/)
]]>I’m displaying fixtures on a single club website and want to display fixtures from multiple (but not all) competitions. Up until now we have used a competition covering all fixtures for the relevant team – we have more than one team under the same club name – but I want to start displaying the competition with the fixture details and so need to identify it accurately.
The code in divi is simply [league=”ID”]. I have tried adding more than one ID separated by a comma (league=”01, 02″ and listing them separately (league=”01″ league=”02″) but neither has worked.
Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
]]>I use the Import Fixtures a lot of time, but I have never seen similiar failure in the past. (I imported more then 2000 matches in the last years.)
When click to import button, the page was redirect me to a club page. Afterwards the matches was not imported sometimes just the first one or two row.
Could you help me in this problem?
Screenshots links:
Please guide.
]]>I’m attempting to add yesterday’s released English Premier League fixtures added bulk via CSV but I can’t quite work it out, so far I have an example row as:
2020-09-12 15:00:00;ARS;SOU;”Premier Pundits”;”English Premier League”;;;;;0;1;https://premierpundits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ARS.png;https://premierpundits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/AST.png;;;0;1;
(I have ‘flags’ for each team, hence the PNG)