Please advise,
]]> /*
Theme Name: Flexibility2
Theme URI:
Description: Flexibility2 is the newest release of the world’s most customizable WP theme. View tutorials on customization and feel free to make a donation at
Version: 1.0
Author: Ryan Grabenstein
Author URI:
Tags: dark, light, two-columns, custom-colors, custom-header, theme-options, right-sidebar, threaded-comments
There is another file called style.php and i can’t see where to change it either.
Anyone familiar with that theme please help me
]]>I am using a flexibility theme for my blog at and for some reason there is a security prompt come up whenever someone goes to submit a comment on any post. I have checked all my settings for discussion and comments and everything appears as if anyone can comment. I have akismet plugin as well but dont think that puts a secruity prompt up for comments. Any ideas how to remove this security prompt??
]]>Just wanted to show off a theme I got from, which is free. I used it to start my age of conan site, and it took me all of 30 minutes to get a full site up & looking snazzy!
What do you think?