What is the solution for this? Any plugins, themes?
]]>1. How to to add buttons like “thats cool” , “haha hilarious” “you are stupid” these buttons could have a couter which said ” 200 thumbs up” or “17 Hilarious”
2. If I want to enable such way that anybody could post a sentence of 140 characters, and the admins or the people’s vote could choose which ones get posted on the website.
3. There would be no need for registration of any kind, just an email id before sending the submission so that if their submission is posted they could be notified.
4. A suffix word be automatically added to each of the submission.
Please kinly look into it.
[email removed] take care thanks in advance.
]]>We are looking for a theme that will format our wordpress blog to look and operate like https://www.fmylife.com
We want the comments to appear on the front page just as they do on fmylife.com
Please help.
Thank you.
]]>I could not find the answer to this one, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
What I want is the ability for all users, or some select volunteers, to be able to moderate/approve posts from other users (but not themselves). I don’t want them to be able to edit the posts, either.
This would utilize crowdsourcing to maintain the community.
I’ve tried Role Scoper and Capability Manager, but they don’t really seem to do what I want.
If I’m not explaining it well enough, FMyLife is an example of a non-WordPress site that does this successfully.
Any thoughts or ideas on this one?
Thanks and best wishes,
Does anybody know a theme for WordPress that would operate similarly to the sites fmylife.com or iamneurotic.com?