Could someone shed some light on a problem I am having in the 20-24 theme footer.
I have tried to add a background image to the footer, with a clear background selected in the editing panel above this. Unfortunately, when I save something strange is happening. In the “preview site” the background change is taking place and all looks fine. However what is published to the domain is a footer missing the background image. When I go back to the editor, remove the background image, and add a background color instead, this works perfectly. Basically, I can only see the image change in the footer I want, within the WP preview, it never seems to publish with the image.
Am I missing something here? Would appreciate some guidance. Many thanks.
ps the image is a png, and if I add it anywhere else in the site it publishes perfectly.
]]>How do I change the background color of the footer area? (where the widget goes).
]]>thanks for your work!!!
]]>.sidebar { background-color: #ffffff !important; }
however, even when removing this line of code, the footer background remains white.Just need a little help adding a background image to the footer-bottom.
I am trying to add the following code to my custom.css, but it’s not doing the trick. Anything I’m doing wrong or should be doing instead?
{ background: #33363b; image: url( no-repeat; position: bottom right; }
(The image in this example is not my final image as it’s already there on the left as the ‘logo’, but just want to see if I can get it to work as a background too).
Problem: footer background wont extend (only on iOS device)
Screenshot of problem:
]]>Thank you, I’m desperate.
Website is: