I would appreciate help in correcting this bug.
Thanks a lot.
But the meta titles are empty! What is the solution?
Thank you very much awesome plugin!
]]>This fixed the titles issue, but now any minify plugin I use does not work.
Can you help please?
]]>I expected this: Take out the duplicate SEO titles
It did this: It took out the duplicate SEO titles! So whats the problem?? WEL…after a few days I had duplicate SEO titles again >_< . So I Looked at my Title headings settings and to my surprise “Force rewrite titles” checkbox was DISABLED…is this supposed to happen? Ik neem aan van niet Joost…En nee ik had niet teveel gezopen….
]]>With <title><?php wp_title(”); ?></title> and wp_head() in header.php , WPSEO sets the non-Buddypress post/page titles/descriptions OK and lets Buddypress set the titles for the Buddypress (i.e. groups etc.) pages OK. The exception is that I can’t get WPSEO to set the titles/descriptions for the BP Docs custom post type pages. Any tips to do this please?
By the way, with WPSEO “Force Rewrite Titles” set, WPSEO does set the titles/descriptions for the BP Docs custom post type pages but no longer lets Buddypress set the titles for the Buddypress (i.e. groups etc.) pages – instead these titles just default to equal the Buddypress page urls.
Am I missing some trick to getting WPSEO working with work with Buddypress and BP Docs?
Many thanks for your support Joost.