Since the most recent update with WordPress, I encountered an issue with my embedded HubSpot forms on my website. The form itself is still operable but as soon as you try to edit a WordPress page the form currently lives on, the form no longer functions. The code for the form remains in the source code when I check with the code inspector on the actual published page but the form itself just doesn’t show up. The spot on the published page where it should be remains blank.
When I do inspect the code within WordPress though, I notice that it adds breaks exactly like this <br /> to my embedded form’s code. I erase them and re-publish and nothing happens.
The entire code snippet is:
<div class=”newreg-form” style=”width: 70%; display: block;”><!– [if lte IE 8]>
<script charset=”utf-8″ type=”text/javascript” src=”//”></script>
<script charset=”utf-8″ type=”text/javascript” src=”//”></script>
<script><br />
hbspt.forms.create({<br />
portalId: ‘386862’,<br />
formId: ‘2243bd40-1f0c-4429-aaed-35a29cfe5a02’,<br />
target: ‘.newreg-form'<br />
});<br />
]]>The form at the bottom has mysteriously disappeared for no apparent reason. In the ‘contact’ section of the dashboard, it’s as if the form was entirely deleted although the Contact Form 7 plugin remains in tact and otherwise functional. This is not the result of a conflict with another plugin, as this has already been troubleshot.
Please advise.
]]>I have been using this plugin for a while and it’s great – so thank you for that!
I have just run into a problem though and the form has disappeared from my sidebar. You’ll see it’s still active but there’s no way to sign up. I haven’t changed anything on the form so not sure what happened. Any suggestions as to how I can fix this please?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’ve checked the settings and resaved them and made sure that the widget is activated in the sidebar. I’ve shutdown the browser and started back up–nothing. How do I get the login form back on the home page?