I have found an issue where the form expiration time will default to UTC instead of the WordPress timezone. Since there is no way to specify an actual time, this makes it so that the form will expire at midnight on the specified date in UTC, rather than my timezone. Since my timezone is “America/Vancouver”, this means the forms expire 8 hours earlier than intended(at 4pm the day before I set it to expire).
I figured out that this is because the functions being used for the time are the regular PHP functions (strtotime
). However, WordPress sets the timezone to UTC, and then you need to use the WordPress functions to get the actual local times.
I can for now simply hook into the 'forminator_cform_form_is_submittable'
and 'forminator_cform_form_is_visible'
to override this behaviour, but I believe this feature should respect the set timezone, or at the very least specify that it uses UTC and allow setting of the time in addition to the date to account for this.
I will post a reply once I have written my workaround in case others have this issue, so please leave the thread open so that I can do so.
Also, I’m using the latest version of Forminator, 1.15.11
]]>First of all, I apologize for not being able to find a solution to my problem myself. I’m sure you will find it very basic, but I have spent hours now trying to figure it out on my own and I really need your help.
I have created a form, and I can see the entries, so that’s great.
However, I am unable to set up a specific notification email.
Here is what the support documentation says:
“To configure an email notification, do the following:
1- Navigate to the settings page for your form.
2- Under the “Notifications”, click “Add new email” and give your email a name.
3- Configure the recipient of your email. Either select a field to get the recipient from or select “Custom recipient” to fill one in manually.
4- Configure the subject and content of your email. As with the success message, you can insert field values using the “Insert field” dropdown.
5- Optionally configure a “From” address for your email.”
Step #3 is where I fail. Basically, the email address that must receive the entry notification is not a field in my form, so how can I set it up manually? Is there a specific coding? I tried the following:
Must it be a field from the form? In that case, can I make it invisible in the form?
Lots of questions for such a basic issue!
Many thanks in advance……
]]>If I select After Event Description then it only shows up once. But I want to be able to place the form anywhere on the main page and remove it from the right column.
Plugin Version: Registrations for the Events Calendar v2.7.6
Site URL: https://sierrabmwcarclub.org
Home URL: https://sierrabmwcarclub.org
WordPress Version: 5.8.1
PHP Version: 7.4.24
Web Server Info: Apache
WPDB prefix: wp_
WPDB base prefix: wp_
Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.2.1
AWP Classifieds Plugin: 4.1.5
BAW Login/Logout menu: 1.3.3
BulletProof Security: 5.4
Classic Editor: 1.6.2
Elementor: 3.4.7
Elementor Header & Footer Builder: 1.6.4
Enable Media Replace: 3.6.1
Event Single Page Templates Addon: 1.5
Events Shortcodes - The Events Calendar Addon: 1.9.3
Events Widgets For Elementor And The Events Calendar: 1.4.2
Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket: 2.0
MailPoet 2: 2.16
Nav Menu Roles: 2.0.1
Ninja Forms: 3.6.5
Ocean Extra: 1.8.3
PDFjs Viewer - Embed PDFs: 2.1.4
Really Simple SSL: 5.1.3
Redirection: 5.1.3
Registrations for The Events Calendar: 2.7.6
Remove Category URL: 1.1.6
Remove Query Strings From Static Resources: 1.4
Smart Slider 3:
Smush: 3.9.2
Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll: 2.31
The Events Calendar: 5.10.1
The Events Calendar Extension: Inherit Theme Fonts: 1.0.0
The Events Calendar Search Addon: 1.1.3
The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block: 2.5
WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: 3.1.12
WP Fastest Cache: 0.9.5
Yoast Duplicate Post: 4.1.2
Yoast SEO: 17.5
## OPTIONS: ##
database version: 1.6
first_show: 1
first_require: 1
last_show: 1
last_require: 1
email_show: 1
email_require: 1
phone_valid_count: 10
recaptcha_require: 1
other_show: 1
message_source: custom
disable_by_default: 1
include_attendance_message: 1
using_custom_template: 1
preserve_registrations: 1
preserve_settings: 1
check_for_duplicates: 1
array (
0 => 'above_button',
template_location: shortcode
display_type: always_visible
default_max_registrations: 50
error_duplicate_message: You have already RSVPd for this event
registration_deadline: 12
registration_deadline_unit: 3600
first_label: First
first_error: Please enter your first name
last_label: Last
last_error: Please enter your last name
email_label: Email
email_error: Please enter a valid email address
phone_label: Phone #
phone_error: Please enter the number of persons that will be attending
other_label: Comments
other_error: Enter comments
custom_field_names: custom1,
terms_conditions_label: I accept the terms and conditions
terms_conditions_link_label:Terms and Conditions Page
terms_conditions_error: This is required
recaptcha_type: math
recaptcha_label: What is
recaptcha_error: Please try again
recaptcha_site_key: 6Lcu6-MSAAAAAAwqfi6QiLYqEvfSLk5kyESU5vva
recaptcha_secret_key: 6Lcu6-MSAAAAANwwJNVp2zqwf2O5eiNU9jNRBplR
register_text: RSVP Now!
attendance_count_message_template:Attendance: {num} / {max}
attendance_message_type: up
attendance_text_before_up: Join
attendance_text_after_up: others!
attendance_text_one_up: Join one other person
attendance_text_none_yet: Be the first!
registrations_closed_message:Registrations are closed for this event
submit_text: RSVP
success_message: Success! Please check your email inbox for a confirmation message.
unregister_link_text: Unregister from this event
success_unregistration: You have been unregistered.
already_registered_question:Already registered?
already_registered_directions:Use this tool to manage your registration.
enter_your_email_text: Enter your registered email address
send_unregister_link_text: Send unregister link
please_log_in_message: Log in to register
registrants_data_who: any
attendee_list_title: Currently Registered
width: 100
width_unit: %
form_bg_color: #
button_bg_color: #1f94ff
button_text_color: #ffffff
phone_format: 1
use_custom_notification: 1
notify_organizer: 1
confirmation_from_address: [email protected]
custom_date_format: F j, Y g:i a
recipients: [email protected]
notification_from: BMW CCA Sierra Chapter
notification_subject: Registration Notification for {event-title}
notification_message: {first} {last} <a href="mailto:{email}">({email}</a>) RSVPd for <span class="rtec-tooltip-table rtec-tooltip rtec-availability-options-wrapper"><span class="rtec-col-1">{# Attending} to attend </span></span>{event-title} at {venue} on {event-date}.
Comments: {other}
Click <a href="https://{event-url}">here</a> to view {event-title} details
confirmation_from: BMW CCA Sierrra Chapter
confirmation_subject: Registration Confirmation for {event-title}
confirmation_message: Hello {first},
You RSVPd for {# Attending} to attend {event-title} at {venue} on <span class="rtec-tooltip-table rtec-tooltip rtec-availability-options-wrapper"><span class="rtec-col-1">{event-date}</span></span>.
{venue} is located at:
{venue-city}, {venue-state} {venue-zip}
Comments: <span class="rtec-tooltip-table rtec-tooltip rtec-availability-options-wrapper"><span class="rtec-col-1">{other}</span></span>
See you there!
Click <a href="{event-url}">here</a> to view the event details
Click to <a href="{unregister-link}">here</a> unregister for this event<span class="rtec-tooltip-table rtec-tooltip rtec-availability-options-wrapper"><span class="rtec-col-1">
</span></span>Click <a href="{ical-url}">here </a>to add this to you calendar
custom1_label: # Attending
custom1_show: 1
custom1_require: 1
custom1_error: Please enter the number of persons attending
Field: id, Type: bigint(20) unsigned, Key: PRI, Extra: auto_increment
Field: user_id, Type: bigint(20) unsigned, Key: , Extra:
Field: event_id, Type: bigint(20) unsigned, Key: MUL, Extra:
Field: registration_date, Type: datetime, Key: , Extra:
Field: last_name, Type: varchar(1000), Key: , Extra:
Field: first_name, Type: varchar(1000), Key: , Extra:
Field: email, Type: varchar(1000), Key: , Extra:
Field: venue, Type: varchar(1000), Key: , Extra:
Field: phone, Type: varchar(40), Key: , Extra:
Field: other, Type: varchar(1000), Key: , Extra:
Field: guests, Type: int(11) unsigned, Key: , Extra:
Field: custom, Type: longtext, Key: , Extra:
Field: status, Type: char(1), Key: MUL, Extra:
Field: action_key, Type: varchar(40), Key: , Extra:
id: 23
user_id: 0
event_id: 21132
registration_date: 2021-10-13 18:58:49
last_name: Wat
first_name: Fre
email: fre
venue: 23804
guests: 0
custom: a:1
status: n
action_key: bbbe2e9848d37fb7529021268c52cc85e218a8e5
post_id: 22691
title: 2021 Poker Run
start_date: 2021-10-09 08:30:00
end_date: 2021-10-09 13:00:00
start_date_utc: 2021-10-09 15:30:00
end_date_utc: 2021-10-09 20:00:00
venue_id: 21740
venue_title: Raley’s Parking lot
venue_address: 18144 Wedge Pkwy
venue_city: Reno
venue_state: NV
venue_zip: 89510-0011
who_can_register: any
max_registrations: 30
num_registered: 8
form_id: 1
deadline_type: start
deadline_other_timestamp: 1633768200
registration_deadline: 1633725000
# Last Submission Error: #
no recent submission errors
# Last Email Error: #
no recent email errors
]]>I’ve tried everything I can find in documentation (#formbuilder … etc) and still the type is all Roman.
How can I change the code so it will display roboto family as needed?
Thanks! — Bill
]]>Many thanks
]]>How make a form for logged-in users only?
]]>I use everest forms on several sites. On one of them I needed to change some email settings so I went to “all forms” and clicked on the form that needed changing. It gets stuck loading the settings page.. I tried updating the plugin, cleared browser cache, and checked on another website that I am using the plugin on. But also there it shows the same issue.. It doesn’t give an error necesarily, it just keeps loading and never opens the settings page. Making it impossible for me to change the email settings.
Please help..