I don’t if i should write here but i didn’t find another way.
I was updating my wordpress profile contributor for the forum but it returns me this message “Your avatar and social media accounts are automatically pulled from the Gravatar profile associated with [my-email-address]” and doesn’t let me do it.
Can someone tell me how to fix this?
Thank you in advance.
]]>Why doesn’t the URL I have in my prfile show up in public profile or as a clickable userID besides the gravatar?
]]>I use WordPress at work
I make my living using WordPress
I am a WordPress consultant
my answers were: No, Not yet, and No. However, when I look at my profile it says:
I use WordPress at work
I make my living using WordPress
I am a WordPress consultant
I couldn’t find a way to change these settings in Edit Profile. How can I change this?
]]>Am I missing something obvious? Any ideas?
]]>EDIT: Looks like I may have spoke too soon…seems there is a different view of the profile if you click on “View your profile” vs clicking on “Member” by your gravatar…seems member still goes to the “old” style…humm….
]]>Pipe page:
The pipe as RSS (add your profile # from url to end of pipe: &profile=YOURID):
Let me know if it’s any use!