I am trying to make my header transperant. I have succeeded in getting my background image to show behind my transparent header, but on the left hand side the menu bar still extends up and over the background.
In my child theme I am using this code.
.site, .entry-header, .entry-title, .entry-content {
background-color: transparent !important;
Any way to stop the left menu from extending up through the header as well?
My site is https://somniloquy.net/ Child theme is not active at the moment.
]]>I was wanting to know if this plugin is still compatible with the theme (after the update), or if we need to wait for an update to this plugin to become available first?
Thank you
]]>the_content( sprintf(
__( 'Continue reading %s <span class="meta-nav">→</span>', 'twentyfourteen' ),
the_title( '<span class="screen-reader-text">', '</span>', false )
) );
The variable %s (title) don’t appear because of the css class “screen-reader-text” which have “position: absolute !important;”
without this attribut it’s ok.
ligne 717 of style.css
For french : la traduction en “Continuer la lecture de” est donc malvenue. Le “de” ne servant à rien
]]>I want to put a slider of featured content on the top of my site, like they have done at https://www.twentyfourteendemo.wordpress.com and from what I have read and seen in tutorial videos, you have to go into Appearance, customiser and then click on the featured content tab.
However I do not have the featured content tab, the options I have in customize are:
Site identity
Header Image
Background Image
Static Front Page
From tutorials I have watched the other tabs I have are also different?
Therefore where do I setup the slider/featured content?
Have I got a newer version of the theme or something?
I am running Jetpack and have tried uninstalling it but it made no difference.
my site is expedafrica.com if that helps at all
]]>I want to put a slider of featured content on the top of my site, like they have done at www.twentyfourteendemo.wordpress.com and from what I have read and seen in tutorial videos, you have to go into Appearance, customiser and then click on the featured content tab.
However I do not have the featured content tab, the options I have in customize are:
Site identity
Header Image
Background Image
Static Front Page
From tutorials I have watched the other tabs I have are also different?
Therefore where do I setup the slider/featured content?
Have I got a newer version of the theme or something?
I am running Jetpack and have tried uninstalling it but it made no difference.
my site is expedafrica.com if that helps at all
]]>I have a question regarding twenty fourteen and I suppose there is a simple answer to it, but I am not getting it:
How do I get the featured content assigned to a different Page?
I want my “Home”- Page as front page. In addition I want a “Blog”- Page. Both are assigned to the top menu.
Since “Home” is assigned as “front page” and “blog” as “post page”, twenty fourteen automatically shows featured content on Home. Yet I want it to be shown on “Blog”, leaving “Home” as a simple static front page without featured content.
Thanks in advance – Marcus
]]>First THANK YOU for this amazing wp plugin.
Second I have question about featured content I use Twenty Fourteen themes and when I use WP post then featured content works with tag. But not works with Movies post (I enabled wp post tags in Movies – Settings – Taxonomies – General) but not working. I don’t have featured post slider. Now my Q is how can I use featured content for my movies post?
Thank you for help.