Is this a bug? Are some languages only officially supported in the PRO version?
How can I add a custom language that is not present in the default dropdown?
Is it a valid workaround to patch Polylang’s code and just add fr_CH
I have found a bug in the newsletter signup – category selection:
When someone subscribes and the pop-up openes to ask if they would like to receive all content or a specific blog category, set up categories are not all picked up.
The issue: the French cedille “?” in the blog category title (not the url).
Please fix this soon. Thank you.
For the moment, I have created a workaround by writing the Page title wrong.
Kind regards,
]]>I have spent 2 hours translating all possible strings from English to French for the plugin (including readme/changelog). The translations are 99% accurate. In cases where they might not align with more veteran translators, I have specified the reasons. I adhered closely to WordPress translation conventions as well as the rules of the French language.
Additionally, I utilized the GPT-4 (old model) to enhance productivity and verify contexts to ensure they were applied correctly. This effort was made to ensure the plugin��s French localization is both precise and contextually appropriate.
Given the quality and accuracy of the translations, I believe they are ready for direct production implementation.
Thank you!
]]>I’m French and I’m working on a website. As the topic of my website is a rental foosball service, I used the free plugin “YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce“.
The plugin is doing exactly what I want but the problem is that the text the “Request Form” is in english while my target audience is french. Is it possible to change the text/page of the request form, to translate it in french ?
I always find it a bit strange when French companies create SaaS with administration only available in… English.
I get that it’s the default language, but come on, why not consider having administration in French for the small village of indomitable Gauls known as France, the country where you operate?
Surprised Pikachu
]]>I have been recently added to the team that updates our Agency website. I can access the English website, but when I try to login to the French wordpress site (adding/fr to the url, as instructed), it doesn’t work. It says I need to enable cookies, but I have enabled cookies, and I don’t get the same error when logging into the English site.
Thank you for any guidance you can share!