A few questions for you on how best to utilize this plugin when rewriting and republishing old articles.
In the settings “What to Copy” I noticed that the default is NOT to copy the article date and slug. This raises some questions:
1) Some of my blog posts are 8 or 9 years old and are “evergreen” types of posts. From and SEO perspective, is it better to leave the old date and URL or change it to the new “republish” date.
2) My WordPress URLs, by the way, include the date of publishing in the URL. In hindsight, wish I wouldn’t have done that, as I have had occasional comments by readers about an article being “old”. But it doesn’t seem that you can change that in WordPress once you’ve set the URL format up.
a. From a readership perspective, would it be better to update the URL, either to a URL containing the new date or even a URL removing the date entirely?
b. From an SEO perspective, same question as a. above?
3) If it IS better to change the publishing date and/or the URL for the republished article, this would negatively impact your SEO juice, no? Maybe/Maybe not the publishing date, but I would assume changing the URL would have a negative impact.
4) Assuming changing the URL is a good idea, does the plugin have a feature to automatically redirect the old URL to the new URL?
I’m basically trying to understand best practices from your perspective, how the plugin works, and the tradeoffs between “fresh content” and existing SEO juice from an article being around for a while, and if there is a way to maximize both of these using the plugin.
Sorry for being so wordy – trying to make sure I’m clear. Hope I didn’t do the opposite!
Your feedback and assistance are appreciated – great products!
Phil Morettini
[Moderator note: Please, No bumping].
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