I set up a ticketing service with Fooevents and I use Post SMTP to send e-mails which works fine. But because of the sending limit, I want to have my Wordrpess mails or other Plugins to not use SMTP but keep the default sending method like before I installed Post SMTP.
I don’t want my update e-mails etc to have my “ticketing@blbla” e-mail but the original “wordpress@” email.
Thx for any help.
]]>Actual Behaviour:
Plugin seems to override from: email, even though the checkbox is NOT checked.
WPForms Notification,
MailGun USA API.
WPForms From Email: [email protected]
Post SMTP Setup From Address Email: [email protected] [+ prevent override OFF]
Post SMTP Log shows:
From email correctly overridden under ‘View’ (= [email protected])
From email incorrectly set to wrong email (= [email protected])
MailGun Log shows:
Sender address was [email protected]
Initial evaluation:
When communicating with the MailGun API, the transaction is using an override from email address behaviour when it shouldn’t.
V: Latest 2.9.8
WP: 6.4.3
Also, when the employer changes the status of an application to “rejected” or “selected,” is it possible for the applicant to be sent an email?
I have used this code which should put ID as a Value and topic_name as a Label but I am getting an error about WCF7_Pipes not beeing able to convert to string.
add_filter('wpcf7_form_tag_data_option', function($data, $options, $args) {
if (str_contains($options[0],"av_topics") === false) {
return $data;
global $wpdb;
$av_topics = $wpdb->prefix . 'av_topics';
foreach ($options as $option) {
if ($option === 'av_topics_ms') {
$topics = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID,topic_name FROM " . $av_topics . " WHERE FIND_IN_SET('m?',school_type)>0 ORDER BY topic_name", ARRAY_A);
if ($option === 'av_topics_zs') {
$topics = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID,topic_name FROM " . $av_topics . " WHERE FIND_IN_SET('z?',school_type)>0 ORDER BY topic_name", ARRAY_A);
if ($option === 'av_topics_ss') {
$topics = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID,topic_name FROM " . $av_topics . " WHERE FIND_IN_SET('s?',school_type)>0 ORDER BY topic_name", ARRAY_A);
foreach ($topics as $topic) {
$data['raw_values'][] = $topic["topic_name"] . '|' . $topic["ID"]; //using pipes to put the value before the pipe and the label after by picking up the ID and LabelName fields from the database
$pipes = new \WPCF7_Pipes($data['raw_values']); //use the WPCF7_Pipes class
$data['values'] = $pipes->collect_befores(); //get value vefore pipe
$data['pipes'] = $pipes;
$data['labels'] = $pipes->collect_afters(); //get label after pipe
return $data;
}, 10, 3);
And this is the error
function wp_check_invalid_utf8( $text, $strip = false ) {
$text = (string) $text; //HERE
Error: Object of class WPCF7_Pipes could not be converted to string
Strange thing is, that this hook wpcf7_form_tag works
]]>Also, for your info:
when installing we could not submit any forms. We got error “syvLl_rednaoeasycalculationforms_records_detail” does not exist. It was not created. When debugging I found the error “The used table type doesn’t support FULLTEXT indexes” when manually creating. Solution was to add “ENGINE=MyISAM;” to the creation query.
]]>[07-Jul-2023 19:24:54 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 1.7652999999999999 to int loses precision in /xxxx/wp-content/plugins/job-postings/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 4183
in My Log File i have more than 1000 of this
I would like to translate/use a different word for “From”. But the language folder in the plugin is empty, there is no pot file. Am I missing something?
With thanks,