Can anyone help me to activate this option to set Lateat posts as home page.
I’d like to show only real posts, no events, but can’t discover how to excluse events.
If there were no other option, I would be okay if the events were visible in the featured-posts-slide only.
Problem is that in Customizer –> Front Page Content–> ‘Select a category to feature’, the events are not visible in the dropdown with categories.
I have no idea if this is an issue for Hueman or for The Events Calendar. I hope someone has a solution.
]]>Unfortunately, when you go to the front page, it shows the entire articles instead of just the first 8-10 lines of each article. How do I change that. It becomes a very long front page.
The page is:
]]>I wish to have the “recent post summary” show on the Front Page and then show all the posts in a “Blog” page.
I can only get one, or the other, but not both.
Here’s the site.
Current Front Page settings are:
Front Page >> Home
Posts Page >> Blog
Front Page Displays >> A static page
Any idea what I’m doing incorrectly?
]]>I thought I had figured out what to do about featured posts (yeah, I’m still kind of a dummy about WP). So I went back to my settings and changed the tick for the front page to ‘latest posts,’ but that isn’t happening for me, no joy…What I am seeing is a Private post that isn’t even due to be shown till December (it was a Scheduled one and something I probably won’t even have a use for, now that I’m revamping my site). The first choice I made for Default Category seemed logical, I picked “Photography.” But I got this December ‘private’ post. I went back and changed to Fall Scan Photos. The December post still comes up! How weird is that??
Do I need a database call or major tweak in CSS or something?
And so, for the moment, I’m back to using a static front page…*grumble*
]]>My front page settings under “Reading” are suddenly missing. Not sure what went wrong. I have about 300 posts on my blog and not sure why that option would suddenly not work.
Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!
Someone suggested I try going to General Settings –> Reading, and make sure I don’t have it set as a static page. When I went to do that that part of the page had “disappeared”. By that I mean there are no “front page display” settings. The page only shows from “Blog pages show at most” on down.
My site is self-hosted and my host told me it looked like one of my plugins must be over-riding the system. I deactivated every plugin but still have no access to the front page settings.
Can you help?