I was just wondering if there is any way to to style the text (individual words) in the Front Page Title? Is there a way to enable HTML elements within the text box so that individual words could be emphasized or coloured differently.
]]>This is what I want: Manvilleburger.com | Günlük Taze Hamuru ?le “Out of standart” Burgerler
This what it looks like at the moment: Manville Burger
How can I fix this? Thanks.
]]>Apologies if this has been asked. I tried to find the answer but wasn’t sure. I would like to change the color of the page title text to red, only on the front page. To be totally clear, this is not the header text (which I figured out how to do in the Customizer), but the page title that precedes the text on the front page. I would prefer to change it just on that page, not on any other pages on the site. I imagine the answer lies in some clever CSS code, which is sadly outside of my technical capabilities. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I was hoping to get some help on a few things as I am not an expert in wordpress. I am hoping to get 3 things addressed.
1. How do I delete the “Front Page” title at the bottom of the main page?
2. If you look closely at the widgets in the middle of the page, the text is very close to the pictures in the center column dividing the posts. How do I put more space there?
3.If you click on a post, for example this one, how do I increase the spacing between the lines of the title? They are merging with each other. The same issue occurs at the bottom of the page where the text to previous posts are cut off somewhat.
If anyone is able to help with these, I would be extremely thankful. This is just a website for a simple community college so any help is very much appreciated.
]]>How can I make the front page show the same green title bar as the other pages?
I am using the Interface theme
Thank you
]]>The blog can be found at garmanlord.com/wordpress/ .
]]>Running minimum pro theme on genesis framework.
Homepage is set to a static page that shows my blog page and there is no h1 tag when I run SEO quake.
Issue is resolved when I run my theme showing minimum pro’s default homepage (which I don’t want to)
Have spoke to genesis support and they are unable to resolve this issue.
Tried changing the SEO settings on titles but all I get is :
“You can determine the title and description for the front page by editing the front page itself ?
You can determine the title and description for the blog page by editing the blog page itself ?”
Tried filling up the required SEO fields on my blog page template and still can’t get my h1 tag out.
Kindly advice?