It began when suddenly a plugin that sends invoices by email after a transaction is completed, stopped working. We checked the backend – and this showed up
Other areas also affected – both at the backend and frontend.
#1 – the page looks like this right now –
But on the backend, while editing on elementor – it looks like this:
And on the backend, when trying edit user role, the error shows up again:
The error seems to be expanding. At one point, the entire site showed the same error – and the website was not even opening. I have deactivated most of the plugins right now to bring the website back. If I activate all plugins, the error comes back. I read that if memory limit is affected overall, this error may appear. So, I was trying to figure out the site’s memory limit – through wp-config file, php.ini as well as .htaccess file.
This is php.ini file.
This is .htaccess file
This is wpconfig. It originally did not contain a line of code for memory limit – but I added at the last.
The issue still remains the same. The below hasn’t changed.
How to troubleshoot this error? Is this error really about memory limit?
]]>Thank you in advance.
]]>If you’re having issues with this plugin (backend and/or frontend) after updating to WP 5.5 or above, please follow the instructions provided below.
Most issues are fixed by simply replacing the plugin’s current built-in Bootstrap JS file (v3.3.6) with the latest Bootstrap JS file used by WP (v3.4.1).
(1) Download Bootstrap JS v3.4.1 (zip file) by clicking here.
(2) Unzip the downloaded file, open the JS folder, and place the file titled, “bootstrap.min”, on your desktop.
(3) Using cPanel or an FTP application (e.g., FileZilla) follow the path given below to identify Bookme Pro’s file titled, “bootstrap.min.”
(4) Replace the file identified in Step (3) with the file set aside in Step (2).
Special Note:
If your site is hosted by SiteGround, do not use their UltraFast PHP. Instead, use their Standard PHP (7.4.X and above). Using SiteGround’s UltraFast PHP will break the frontend of the plugin.
Hope the above helps. If not, post your issue here and we’ll try to help you.
]]>Amazing plugin !
]]>I have the next code:
[fu-upload-form class=”your-class” title=”Share with” form_layout=”post_image”]
[input type=”text” name=”post_title” id=”title” class=”required” description=”Title of the picture/Video” multiple=””]
[textarea name=”post_content” class=”textarea” id=”ug_caption” class=”required” description=”HTML CODE OR EMBED CODE”]
[input type=”text” name=”photo” id=”ug_photo” class=”required” description=”Your Photo” multiple=”true”]
Could somebody help me?
thanks for all
]]>I want an english admin/dashboard but the frontend (what the public sees) to be in German.
I set my site as German and added this code to my functions.php
function native_admin_lang( $locale ) {
if ( is_admin() ) {
return 'en_US';
return $locale;
add_filter( 'locale', 'native_admin_lang' );
But the backend remains in German. I really really really do NOT want to use a plugin.
Any ideas as to why this isn’t working?
]]>How can I fix the CSS or something like that in order for the W/S price appear under the normal price?
Screenshot here:
Thank you
]]>Any idea or solution?
I figured, I can redirect my own event nav to the event calandra page which is fine by me but without calendar links—its useless.
]]>I have two questions, firstly my backend search engine for the events does not function at all, even though exact matches should display at least one results? This is proving difficult as this website is modified by a number of users and it is hard to ensure no duplication and easy access without this option. Has anyone else experienced this and could anyone suggest a solution??
Secondly, would it be possible to add a search engine on the front end of the site. As currently the user has to search though by month or scrolling through a long list to find a specific event?