I am working on a page (using the Nisarg theme) that is not yet live. I have posts that are simply a photo, a caption, and possibly a short description. I want to have an archive page that will display all posts with full-sized images with the post content. Currently, it seems the theme will only display a featured image on an archive page, and the featured is cropped. Using a featured image also duplicates the image on the post page, which I do not need.
I’ve done this years ago with a different theme, but I’m not sure how to get this to work with Nisarg. Could someone please point me toward a solution? Many thanks!
]]>I just noticed that my full lightbox images are no longer full size after updating to v3.x. Any way to get full size images back?
]]>A post gets created by CyberSEO lite (as expected).
I edit and prepare to publish the post.
All images work perfectly.
I publish the post.
I verify the images appear.
I wait 5-10 minutes.
I clear my cache and refresh.
SOMETIMES the images disappear and stay gone.
After digging around and trying so many things, here’s what I have discovered…
Thumbnail images (multiple sizes) get autogenerated. Sometimes the original image is deleted during this process. This breaks the media gallery (it’s not there) and I can’t access the smaller thumbnails, etc. And obviously the post and Featured Image fail.
So, I’m still trying to figure out why this works sometimes and doesn’t work other times.
I understand that WordPress auto-generates those thumbnails, but what would be DELETING the original, full size image?
My research has determined that this behavior has been a known issue of CyberSEO, so I’m starting here.
It’s totally possible there’s a plug-in conflict, but I thought I’d start here to see if there’s an easy answer.
The “FIX” I’ve come up with is to re-upload the full size image. Not a good fix that’s going to work long-term. I’m very frustrated and confused.
]]>I have tried a couple slider plug-ins and they sorta get it but I only want a single image. Is there an easy way to accomplish this?
]]>Can we make the image album clickable, so that when a user clicks on an image, it opens up in new window with full size.
In the thumbnail specifications, the image is not completely visible.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
]]>how do I create a link to the full size image on the property image on the property-content.php?
Thanks for considering my request, Kay