I added the “WooCommerce Product Brands: Product Brands” widget at the bottom of my page, displaying images’ height at 30px max.
What I find puzzling is that even for 90px x 30px images, the widget keeps loading the full-size images (2048px x 682px).
How can I specify to download the smaller images?
]]>I’m here now because I’ve not found anything that will do what I need it to. I’m OK at putting the content into the divisions but I can’t work out how to structure the template to achieve the layout that I need.
I have a storefront-child theme and I’ve tried numerous functions.php and style.css suggestions. I’ve looked at using and changing hooks but I still stumble.
I’m trying to change the main content area to allow the product image to fit across the full width of that div at the top. The product images are 800px x 200px but can be tweaked if necessary.
Below that I want to have 2 columns into which I can place a couple of template elements / hooks, namely the ‘options and total price’ in the left hand column the add to cart button in the right hand column.
Below that another single, full width column that contains the short description (or full description if necessary) followed by the set of extra-product-options
There’s no requirement for image zooming, light boxes, reviews, ratings, similar products, Full descriptions, sale flags, product price, page title etc. Just a nice clean page with these selected elements on it.
Any thoughts? [Other than don’t try to do it with Storefront :-)]
Thanks in anticipation
]]>I was wondering if this is intended behavior. When I use tiled galleries and select either “thumbnail”, “medium” or “large” image size, I see in the network inspector of chrome that wordpress uses the proper files according to image sizes for display. See: preview (you can see the images on the left side. on the right side you can see the network inspector, showing the file names, which have a suffix in the file name; e.g. ‘-300×225’)
When I save the article and take a look at the article, it uses the full sized images and scales them down only using the height and width tags. See: article (in the network inspector, you can see that full size images are used. Take a look at the image size column.)
This results in users always downloading all full sized images for each article on a page, which is in my case a couple of articles per page, resulting in about 20 MB of transferred data per page view and thus high loading time.
]]>1. Since I’ve updated wordpress at 4.2.2, my galleries just open the first text slide and the thumbnails table. If I try to open an image clicking on a thumbnail it just return to the text slide. I can’t see anymore my images in full-size. I already tried to deactivate all the plugins but it doesn’t work either. Here you can find a sample page:
2. I tried several times to upload the favicon without success. I used a png file 32x32px. I use the customize page tab, I can load the image but in the end, when I save and publish I got no results.
Have you got any suggestion for these issues?
Thank you in advance!
I am using the Jetpack Carousel and Tiled Galleries features. So when creating a gallery in my post, clicking on an image will open a full screen slideshow and the images will appear in the post as a tiled mosaic (each in random sizes). With this in mind, I have two questions…
1. I have lightbox module selected, but when the full screen slideshow opens from the Jetpack gallery, the buttons do not appear on hovering. Is this expected behavior? I’m not sure if this is technically considered a lightbox or not.
2. I have the box checked to use full size images if possible. Yet if I try to pin an image from the tiled gallery, they are pinned at the size shown in the gallery within the post – and not the full size of the image from the media image library. Is this expected behavior?
Thanks for the support!
]]>I have a serious problem. I was trying hard to find a solution..
My problem concerns blog entries.
I have featured images in the posts.
Clicking on the image in the entries (or the title of the entry) the single posts open with a thumbnail image. But this is a bad solution for me.
I would like to open each entry with an image in its original size.
I was trying to modify the post-thumbnail-template.php but I didn’t succeed.
Please help me to solve this problem. Thank you very much!
Illustration of a good solution: https://postimg.org/image/7d2hl3hz1/
Illustration of a bad solution: https://postimg.org/image/e5kgynuqx/
Sorry for my bad English.
]]>first of all, a massive thank you for this plugin! I mean, I’ve never seen a photo album so configurable as this one, with such few bugs. Awesome!
Now, the issue or lack of knowledge:
I have posted the shortcode [wppa type=”album” album=”1″][/wppa] into a post and it displays all the photos inside the album. So far so good.
Now, what I want to do is, when a user clicks one of the photos, to open a full size image with a next and previous photo arrows instead of going to a different page to the slideshow. Is this possible? If yes, how do I do it?
Many thanks in advance!
]]>I would like these images to be displayed full size, instead of as thumbnails, and without links. Can someone help me do this, please?