Where Nelio really stands out is the flexibility as well as the set of functionalities it offers that I haven’t found with any other, paid or free, plugin of this kind.
Support is amazing – I had a very specific issue related to my unique setup that was very hard to track down, but Ruth (the Co-Founder) didn’t give up until we found a solution.
5 stars from me! Highly recommended.
]]>Are there any chances to see these functionalities implemented in the near future?
]]>Is there a WP plugin or shortcode I can use to do this? Thank you.
]]>This plugin does very little and I was wondering if you have any plan to add new functionalities. Localize.js is awesome and I’m sure there is a huge potential for it in the WordPress community but right now the integration is too simple.
If not, I will think about developing my own solution.
]]>— A little background —
I’m new to bloggin’ (but not website making), and I must confess, I’m not a programmer neither (even if I know a little how it does work, and some HTML).
In fact, I’m a graphical designer, and I’d like to have a personal blog featuring some functionalities I haven’t seen until now.
After a lot of searches, I’m OK to say that WordPress is the nearest to my needs, but still “limited” for my needs with its unique “category” and “Tags”.
PS: My blog will be hosted at my own with my own design template (already finished), so no problems for me to edit CSS or PHP.
Ok, go to facts now:
My 3 needs:
1) A multilingual blog: not a blog translated into many languages, but my posts de generally have multiple languages on them (not always the same, in ex. En and Kr, Jp and Fr … and so), so, i need to “tag” posts with the adequate languages present in (I need people to have flags, so, when they click on the Japanese flag for example, only posts featuring the adequate language will show).
2) A two sections blog: one for Pros, and another one that will list all my posts (in fact, I still can use “Main” for general purpose, but I need a “page” that will only list selected posts).
3) A cross-over categories or hierarchical tags (or category dependant tags): For example, I would have some “main” categories, two of them “Design” and “Software”, a sub category (or tag) would be “Silverlight” … when I’ll have a post tagged “Silverlight”, I’d like this post to show if the visitor clicks any of the two categories above.
This will also help displaying the right posts in adequate pages (if we are on the “Pro” page and hit “MicroSoft” tag, it wouldn’t display posts with this tag from “Main” page … this is like an “And” function for tags).
Is this possible? Does a Hack, code or plugin even exist?
I’ve searched a little to see, here is what I’ve found:
1) Multiple languages: Xili’s plugins.
Cons: This would be OK only If the full blog was translated into many languages, which isn’t my case, I just need to “list” posts featuring the adequate language (which can be done using categories or tags, but I need categories for other things, and I’d like to avoid having billions of tags under every post).
1) Flags for languages: Can be done with a plugin using images for tags.
Cons: Adds an (or multiple) extra tags to posts.
2) Two section blog: Can be done for example by using the “Inline Posts” plugin.
Cons: For this one, it’s OK, I just wonder if there is an easier way, such as a hack for dashboard to have, like for categories, a “check box” for languages (no need to display the “language” tag or flag on the posts, it would be great to have this as internal data, like an ID … but no problems if I have to display it).
3) Cross over categories, hierarchical tags or category dependant tags: NOTHING FOUND.
Here it is, those were my questions, I hope some of you people could help me find a solution, or propose another way of work, or design idea to reach my needs … As I don’t know every single WordPress plugin, maybe my a solution already exists.
Thank you.
PS: I’ve posted this topic in wordpress.COM but they told me doin’ it here, so assume I have a private server and local version for tests.
I’ve just created a “test” blog in wordpress.COM, with some posts, pages, categories and tags … this can give you a visual idea of what I want to say.