What is this small pop up banner that seems spammy? I am getting this now in Firefox and using the Classic Editor.
There is no way to remove it and all it does is trying to coerce the user to buy your Content AI.
Any way to shut it off?
]]>Firstly – thank you so bloody much for creating this menu plugin – I’ve been hunting the web for WEEKS to find either a plugin or code, trying all sorts of time-consuming things, to build a vertical side menu that slides in, with a slide in submenu, and I am so grateful of yours!
There are a few Qs I have around some functioning items tho, as to whether I can fully achieve what I am looking to do…
1. The item styling height, line height, and font size does not appear to work on both top level and sub level items. How can I make this work?
2. In regards to the item styling height: does this add padding around each item in the menu to give more separation between items? This is what I am looking to do (but since changing numbers in this field does nothing, I cannot tell if this is what it is meant to do). How can I add padding to individual items so they’re not so bunched together?
3. As I’ve said, I’m using sub menu slide in. How do I get the sub menu to auto expand/auto be “slid in”? Both when the sub menu link to an individual page is active (ie. submenu: Profile / Profile page is current active open page), and when I’ve clicked a top level item with sub menu (and the top level item links to a page, which opens and is active)?
4. Can I add another Additional Content block? I’d like two – one above the menu list, and one below.
If any of this can be achieved by additional code being placed somewhere, please advise.
Again, thank you for a wonderful plugin, and any assistance you can provide on this
Jason Signor
This is all due to my having had to deactivate the SuperWidget due to problems I was having.
I have been unable to post ANYTHING to my sports site, https://www.sportsreporters.com, for a couple of months. The “Add New” button is unresponsive. and while most of the other links were functioning perfectly last month, I just checked them out and am now getting sporadic function from them, as well. I have no idea what’s going on. I just added content to my last posted article, about New York Giants General Manager, Jerry Reese. I inserted the new content, a transcript of Eli Manning’s press conference today, at the early part of the Jerry Reese article but clearly, without an “add new” function, I can’t write anything new without removing something that has already posted.
Please help. I’ve been on the phone with my server, Gate.com, who have told me they have absolutely nothing to do with the function of WordPress.