EDIT: I managed to fix it somehow, after i tried again to install and activate your plugin again and now GAINWP doesn’t break anymore, weird bug.
– When I enable the option “track form submit actions” in GAinWP then the 2FA function from Wordfence does not work anymore…
More precisely: after filling in my WordPress username and password at my WordPress Admin login page I see the form to enter my 2FA code. So far so good, but after filling in the (100% correct) 2FA code and hit the button “Login” nothing happens anymore. The login button does not respond on clicking on it anymore.
After disabling “track form submit actions” in GAinWP the 2FA function works oke!
Any idea about what’s causing this issue?
thank you for the great plugin. The plugin file I10i.min.js is taking 598ms to load. See screenshot here. Please, is there any way to reduce this load time?
Any advice is welcome
]]>All in fancy sliders and views, but essential fast informations at the dashboard is gone.
totally wasteware.
i will try to install the old version from backup and hope …
UPDATE: There’s two ways, write an miniplugin to block this update or use GAinWP, it’s a copy of the old version. Even config etc. will be come over.