Does it do that, or do we have to check every single image ourselves before deleting, to make sure it’s not embedded or in a gallery?
]]>please let me know!
– a button on picture
– an ability to save that picture to member’s gallary with description
Can you please help me solve this issue? Thanks,
и вдруг ты знаешь русский:
у меня в альбоме 50 фото. как настроить, чтобы на странице не было 50 фото а только одна-две-три, а при клике по ней открывался слайдер?
сейчас можно сделать только слайдер, но 50 фото на странице не смотрятся хорошо..
]]>I have the problem, that my gallary on the onetone theme not work, what can I do?
Ps.: I ‘m a noob in wordpress and so on, sorry
]]>I have installed the NGG Sidebar widget and can’t seem to get it to work. Possible causes:
1) I am using the polaroid gallary plug in rather than the standard WP one, and
2) When I installed the plug in it said that it hadn’t been tested for this version of WP.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to how to make this work. Suggestions of alternatives equally welcome.
The site is currently in maintenance mode otherwise I would attach a link.
Many thanks