Warning: Undefined variable $galleryusers in …wprencontre\wp-content\plugins\rencontreP\templates\rencontreP_gallery_edit.php on line 48
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in …wprencontre\wp-content\plugins\rencontreP\templates\rencontreP_gallery_edit.php on line 48
]]>I would like to include images from the Telekom cloud in a gallery.
However, I want to leave it in the cloud and not copy it to the Doamin.
Does anyone have an idea for implementation?
best regards
]]>I have a problem with the Captions of my imagines at the native WP Gallery.
When I upload a new photo to the media gallery or directly to the home gallery the caption that I write go out when I update the page.
I try to solve with the desactivate of all the plugins but nothing solve.
I contact with my hosting too (Siteground) and tell me that all are ok and the can′t help me ′cos all the technical part of the hosting is ok.
I try cleaning the cache too.
Any idea?
]]>After upgrading to the last version of Nextgen (3.1.5) when I try to insert a gallery I click on Galleries just on left of the text: Are you inserting a Gallery (default), an Album, or images based on Tags?
I select Galleries and nothing happen.
Before the update, when I click on Galleries another drop down menu was showed where I could select the gallery that I would like to show.
Now I can select anything because anything is showed.
My wordpress version is: 5.0.3
]]>it is possible to deactivate the option to comment pictures in the Gallery?
And can i have like buttons (facebook, twitter) under each picture?