It’s highly customizable for me and extremely easy to use for my clients.
It’s set up using the plug-in gallery without the fluff and is configured to work with galleriffic. Unfortunatly, galleriffic doesn’t run on jQuerys latest release. I got the gallery working on my localhost just fine by switching out WordPress’s jQuery file in wp-includes (which I know can’t be the best solution.)
I know it’s possible to include versions when I use wp_enqueue_script(); but is this the best idea? Should I just find a different image gallery?
Just want an opinion, I know I can make this work if I keep on this particular problem but maybe someone else has been here before and has found a better solution.
]]>Drupal has a module that does exactly what I imagine: (vertical mode)
Does anyone know how this can be done with WordPress? The Drupal version also supports videos. That would be ideal.
]]>Unfortunately, my mother wants it to be rather specific
1. It has to have thumbnails, that when hovered over (or clicked on), change a main image on the page. (My current example is, if any of you want to see what my final idea should look like)
2. It cannot have a lightbox or any other type of “popup” windows
3. It would be nice to have link actions, so when you click on a thumbnail or the main picture, you go to a page with that picture (links only on the thumbnails or main image are fine, I dont need both)
4. I need to have images be pulled from an external source (facebook, flickr, etc), or use wordpress 3.5’s ability to add images into a gallery from the media library, without having to take down and rebuild the entire gallery) This one is very important.
I would prefer a free plugin, but I have been looking for a while on this so I wouldnt mind spending a few $$
Also, sorry for all the requirements. Buts its for my mum so I hope you can help. Anything would be greatly appreciated.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/silverfl/public_html/ on line 835
Here is the short code that I am using to call the set from Flickr:
[wp-galleriffic set=SET#72157630200491612]
I have tried it both with and without the “#” sign in front of the ID number. I get the same error either way.
Can you help me resolve this issue?
]]>I have reed this post and there is no solution to my problem finding there.
The plugin is working fine but I have to hardcode all the images into the gallery by using my text editor. This is not so user friendly for a client, so I need to find another solution, that is to add the images thruw the administration area. I can imagine a solution using custom fields, but I am not sure how to. Here is the code showing 2 elements(images).
<ul class="thumbs noscript">
<a class="thumb" name="leaf" href="slideshow_image" title="">
<img src="thumbnail_image" alt="" />
<a class="thumb" name="leaf" href="slideshow_image" title="">
<img src="thumbnail_image" alt="" />
Like I mentioned, I see a solution by adding 3 custom fields for each item.
I hope that I have made myself clear and that you can help me.
]]>It seems to work fine on its own HTML file, but as soon as I transfer it to my theme, it stops working. All I see when I preview the page is the loading gif and nothing else ever pops up.
I’ve read and Googled around for some possible ideas…
Put the codes in the header before the <?php wp_head(); ?> or put it after… Neither of these tips worked or had any effect.
I’m pretty new to jQuery, but I understand the basics and installing it is easy. I’ve used it on non-WordPress pages before it was great! I’m more of a designer and less of a hard core “code” person, so layman’s terms work best. Thanks.
I checked the file extensions and it all seems to be fine. None of the jquery or the coding seems to out of whack. So I’m out of ideas of what could be wrong.
Can anyone lend a hand?
Much help appreciated! Thanks!
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/wp-content/uploads/<?php $photo_large = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'photo_large', true); ?>
<?php echo $photo_large; ?>" >
<?php the_content(); ?></a>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
The loop occasionally writes the link first, then writes the content after, like this:
<a href="link" ></a>
<p>Some of the content from post...</p>
I’m not sure if it’s the loop or the Galeriffic script that’s causing this. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
Here’s the URL:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/galleriffic-2.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.galleriffic.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.opacityrollover.js"></script>
Also, if I already have jquery in my header because I installed a carousel plugin, I don’t need to install that particular script again for Galleriffic right?
Thanks a lot.
I’m currently setting up the files like thus:
in the header.php:
I put this script code between the meta tags and the css tag:
(I’ve taken the greater and less than signs out so it displays the code here in the thread)
?php wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’); ?
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/scripts/jquery.galleriffic.js”>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/scripts/jquery.history.js”>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/scripts/jquery.opacityrollover.js”>
Then in my regular index page, I have the content divs containing the photo gallery.
Finally, in the footer.php, I have added right before the tag:
script type=”text/javascript”
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// We only want these styles applied when javascript is enabled
$(’div.navigation’).css({’width’ : ‘300px’, ‘float’ : ‘left’});
$(’div.content’).css(’display’, ‘block’);
…… –and on til the closing script tag.
This does not work. I’m unsure of the correct procedure for WordPress to display this correctly. I added the css of galleriffic to my own style sheet, because I didn’t understand how to get WordPress to load an additional css file. Viewing the page source does show the javascripts were loaded. I also tried adding the actual photo gallery content divs into a Page from the WordPress admin, but that proved fruitless too. I also do not know in what exact folder WordPress expects my thumbnail and regular size images for this gallery to be. I could upload them all one by one from the WordPress admin, but since I am working locally via Mamp, it would seem easier to just put the images in the right folder. But what folder would that be?
Any help on integrating Jquery with WordPress would be greatly appreciated. I’ve hit a brick wall with this and imagine someone has encountered this problem before. Thanks!