We just bought the Pro version of your Survey Maker.
Now, we need an option in “conditional result” to display a vertical bar with the level of the participant.
Let me explain: When user fill the survey, follow his choice we want to display a gauge at the end the his level, for example, if he answered “yes” 4 times on the 10 questions, the vertical bar will be filled at 4/10.
The creation of the conditional result will be the same as the other cases, just add a new tab aside “Page” called “Gauge” where to select option and enter the messages, depending of the level.
Messages to display will be related to the condition, let said: between 1 and 4 –> text n°1, 5 and 7 –> text n°2, 8 and 10 –> text n°3.
Could you introduce this functionality, with as option the color/color gradient of the bar?
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