The code that I’ve tried is: remove_action( 'woocommerce_review_order_before_submit', array('PW_Gift_Cards_Redeeming', 'woocommerce_review_order_before_submit'), 10 );
Am I going about this wrong?
Here are some screenshots:
In a theme do you know how to manually add a side bar to a third party template.
I ask you because you seem to know a lot more that myself
This is a template from the developer but I would love to add some widgets in a side bar
Because it is not a themed page I had to manually style the code,
the pages are made on the fly based on what you click on and there is a template which I have styled with some colors only.
I took out the part where is asked for a sidebar just before the footer call as that just put a message this theme supports a side bar in the bottom of the event entry
It can support a side bar but the themed pages seem to load a set of widgets as a sidebar.
Main page
Willing to pay for your help if you do know the answer, and I would be very appreciative of your help.
Cheers from Maxwell in Australia
Very cold here at the moment only 10 to 12 degrees c each day for the past 2 weeks!!
]]>I’m setting up a website to showcase my services (design consultancy). I’d like it to have a banner, menu and content space below allowing for text and images, perhaps a footer too.
I do not require it to contain references to blog posts / dates etc, search facility, shopping cart or side bars.
Really I’m just looking for a simple design that looks good and that I can manage via WordPress.
I’m wondering if anybody can help point me to something like this, if such a thing exists for WordPress(?). All themes that I’ve come across so far lack this requirement and I’m feeling stumped!
Much appreciated if anyone can help.
Many thanks.
]]>What is the best pop up for this purpose.
]]>Issue 1: When I try to write html code using the html tab it impossible to add any layout convention that makes html easy to read. Even leaving comments in the page does not work. It makes it very tedious to look at and find the bit you want to edit. No line numbering either.
Issue 2 Html code disappears. I tried writing the html in another system then transferring it to the html tag. This does not work because half the code I wrote got stripped out.
Issue 3 Ok so I tried putting up with the mess of a layout and write to html code directly into the tab. I press Update and the code is stripped out.
Issue 4 The latter is not consistent because I have created tables and successfully but not other things. So is there a limited number of html commands that WordPress understands?
Issue 5 But this disappearing code seems to apply to some advertised features of WordPress – namely the More tag! worked on some of my previous blogs, but not here. The tag code <!–more–> seems simple enough but it does not appear.
Issue 6 So just restrict what you are doing to the visual editor tab. Unfortunately that provides restricted features. For example I cannot add a table. The More tag does not work.
Issue 7 You are not allowed to swtich between Visual and html tabs. Unbelievable.
I have ploughed through the forums and found others having these problems, but the solutions go beyond my skill level at the moment. I have spent hours trying to resolve this and seem to have gone nowhere. Of course when you are new to html it is not clear whether it is your ignorance or somethig stupid in the system. Am I missing something simple? Help!!!
]]>I would just love to get set up to be able to start posting, and begin to start posting ecommerce items too.
My objective is to have a home page. Static so that my items posted will appear on that page. Then another page strictly for blogging, and an about me page.
I have read ynotweb guide for this part, but just not getting it.
I am attempting to use Yak as the e-commerce plug in. Having problems with it that are easier explained later.
If you have been a member here for some time and are comfortable with maybe getting started over the phone, then you can respond here, PM, or email me at [email protected] with an idea of what you might charge.
Of course, I do know there are some very nice people on here who do help people out all the time. I just sort of feel like there comes a point when asking a lot of help may start to get to a point where spending a few dollars is a-ok.
If I am posting this in the wrong place, let me know..
Thank you!
but the theme contains code for certain ads in main page
i contacted the author about any way to remove that ads code from the theme and he told me that i can do that on my own by removing the code my self
You can just remove the ads from the code your self or you can pay $50 to get them removed by me.
so can any one tells me what code should i remove to eliminate these ads from appearing in my home page
the links included
theme home page :
the ads on my page :
hope some one can help .. !!