I also wanted to customize how the output from the form would appear on the pdf. To do this I needed to reach out to their support team and ask for help. They provided the specific coding and directions on how to implement it. Not only that, but they replied right away each time I submitted a question. I would give them more stars if I could!
]]>I have added some custom code to my functions.php file to enable special formatting to be applied to some of the data that is being entered into my forms. For example, when someone enters a phone number with no spaces (ex: 3335551212), my code will add dashes to the number so that, when I receive the phone number in the email, it will look like this…
However, when I open the PDF that is attached to the email using this plugin, there are no dashes in the phone number. That coding that I have installed only effects the output going to the email, not the pdf.
I am wondering if there is a way to add code that will effect the data that is being entered into the pdfs.
The creator of the CF7 plugin has created a guide for creating mail tag replacements at https://contactform7.com/2019/12/08/customizing-mail-tag-replacement/
Is there some kind of guide similar to this for creating pdf tag replacements?
]]>With such simple possibility, your plugin doesn’t look so useful.
Now, I want to reason with you on how this plugin can be more useful. I am asking that you do Two(2) extra things to make this plugin a bit more useful:
1.) Make this plugin Compatible with Contact Form 7, and create a Signature Field for Contact Form 7.
2.) Then generate a PDF from all the Page Contents and Form entries of Contact Form 7— where a copy can then be sent to the user who submitted the Contact Form 7 form.
These plugins– (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/cf7-signature) — and this– (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/digital-signature-for-contact-form-7) —- and this —- (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/contact-form-7-signature-addon)
All of them already have ability to add Signature to Contact Form 7.
Then this one already makes it possible to generate PDF from Contact Form 7 — ( https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/send-pdf-for-contact-form-7 )
But this PDF generator software is still full of bugs, has bad support–which also is in French and not English.
So I am saying that you created a plugin that isn’t highly useful– because there are easy workarounds through whatever function or feature your plugin brings.
But we can yet make your plugin even more better, by creating a Compatibility with Contact Form 7, create a Signature Field for Contact Form 7, then generate a PDF from all the Page Contents and Form entries of Contact Form 7– where a copy can then be sent to the user who submitted the Contact Form 7 form.
Plus , this plugin is full of bugs–( https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/send-pdf-for-contact-form-7 ) — and you can be its contender by being able to offer its function— which is to generate a PDF from all the Page Contents and Form entries of Contact Form 7.
Do you see these requests as something you can implement?
Needing to hear from you.
]]>I have some orders that are created by API from a supplier and so the pdf invoices are not generated.
There are created only if an email is sent to the customer it seems.
I have found that if i use : wcpdf_get_invoice( $order_id, true ); it generates the invoice number but how do i do to generate the pdf itself in “wp-content/uploads/wpo_wcpdf/attachments” like the other in php ?
Best regards,
if anyone give me an idea how can I generate PDFs with code I will be really thankful
thank you in advance.
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$order = new WC_Order();
$product = wc_get_product(123);
Is there a way to generate also the invoice details (Invoice Number and Invoice Date)?
Image: https://i.ibb.co/yqRDXzS/2019-05-17-02-39-44.png
Thank you,
]]>I update my order in php with $order->update_status(‘Completed’), the problem is with this method the plugin does not generate pdf.
If anyone have a solution.
Thx !
]]>I followed every step of the “read first” but when I clik on the generate invoice pdf button i have that fatal error :
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 57671680) (tried to allocate 16 bytes) in /homepages/20/d364263650/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips/lib/dompdf/include/frame_factory.cls.php on line 79
I use the simple template not custom one.
If I add the code lines :
add_filter( ‘wpo_wcpdf_output_html’, ‘__return_true’ );
add_filter( ‘wpo_wcpdf_use_path’, ‘__return_false’ );
It generate an html page with all the information of the invoice.
How can I fix that fatal error so that I could generate the pdf version ?
Thank you for your help.
Arno, France.