Featured image ALT tag not showing up with generate press theme. I have added ALT text for all images and it does shows in image gallery and other locations of site (home page images, post images, etc) except featured image.
Thank you.
]]>I’m facing issue with the footer on some of my website pages. It appears on some and not on others. If you check the home page of the website, there is a footer with necessary details. However, it is not showing on the new articles I post.
Plus, this page I need help with also had images which seem to have vanished as I checked it after some time. Previously they were all visible.
Please help..!!
]]>I’m having a problem with embedding some Power BI dashboards via shortcode. It makes the sidebar and the footer disappear. Also, the top black bar also disappears, so to edit the page, I have to go to another page, click on the dashboards/pages then find the page and edit from there.
When I remove all the dashboards from the page, it goes back to a normal page. When I remove the shortcodes one at a time, it’s still broken.
I’m using the free version of Generate Press.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Trish Henry
]]>It’s been years since I used WordPress and what I haven’t forgotten has changed. I’m trying to figure out how to modify the vertical padding/space between widgets and elements in my WordPress sidebar. I have an image then a ton of space below that, then a widget, then I put in a spacer above a Facebook feed because otherwise it butts up against the bottom of the widget. ARGHH. Please help me help myself!
The page I need help with: https://achcd.org/