I have a feature request. At the moment user which read posts through RSS Feed don’t see OSM.
Is it possible to extend the plugin, so it show such user a short text message about OSM. I mean an information that there will be an OpenStreetMap by looking to the post on the website/blog.
best regards
]]>The error message from a feed validator is:
This feed does not validate.line 6, column 44: XML parsing error: <unknown>:6:44: not well-formed (invalid token) [help]
Line 6 is: xmlns:media=”https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/”xmlns:georss=”https://www.georss.org/georss” xmlns:geo=”https://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#”
ActiveCampaign says the error is a result of a missing space, and it does seem as if these three xmlns entries should be on separate lines (or at least that there should be a space between the xmlns:media and xmlns:georss entries.
But I don’t know what to do to fix this.
I understand that by using this plugin one can generate a GeoRSS feed. However I have searched all over for how to get this with no success.
How can I generate the URL for a GeoRSS feed of my posts so I can use it in, say, Google Maps or Google Earth?
Thanks so much in advance.
]]>Does anyone know of a way to display the feed on Google Maps so I can embed a map on my blog?
Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>Is there an easy way for me to change the code a bit and have Lug Maps get it’s data from a google spreadsheet? If not, please let me know how I can get the points that I type in on the box below the map to actually show up on the map. Thanks.
]]>New user to wordpress and I was looking for a recomendation on a plugin that will output geotags into an rss feed. The output needs to have these tags:
Also, I would prefer not to install any sort of API key if possible.
Just looking for a simple solution where I add and address (or long/lat) into the post editor and it outputs automatically into the RSS feed.
]]>I’ve singled out the relevant code from the plugin:
$details = " @ <strong>". htmlentities($loc->name)."</strong><br />";
$url = '';
foreach($posts as $post) {
$details .= "<a href='".$url.'/?p='.$post->post_id."' title='". htmlentities($post->post_title)."'>".htmlentities($post->post_title)."</a><br />";
I’ve had to change the $url attributes because my wordpress files are in a different directory. what I want to do is replace the content appearing in the <a>
tags to the content of the blog. I’ve had a good try at figuring it out, but absolutely no joy at all.
Hope someone out there can help!