I’m struggling with getting my template to work with the twenty-twenty-three block theme. get_header(); and get_footer(); are defaulting to theme-compat templates. I’ve tried get_template_part( ‘header’, ‘twentytwentythree’ ); and get_template_part( ‘footer’, ‘twentytwentythree’ ); as well as get_template();.
I’m looking for my plugin to work out of the box, at least with the default WordPress block themes as well as non-block themes and I can’t find any documentation for guidance. The idea is that a user should just be able to activate the plugin and start creating staff. Site visitors will see dedicated staff pages that inherit the same wrapper structure (header, footer, etc.) as the rest of the site. I would very much appreciate any help.
]]>I am doing a child theme with some added funcionalities (REST API connection to a database) and to maintain the look&feel of my pages, I am using the same style as my parent theme (twentyseventeen). When I am adding some PHP pages to my child theme’s folder, I am adding the get_header() function, and it is working properly. But when I add the get_footer() function, which is the default one, with social media links and so on, the icons lost their style and there is text beside them. It looks like the CSS was not affecting or being overwritten by another one.
I really don’t know why the style is being properly applied to the header but not to the footer in the same page with no extra css files. I am doing the get_footer() call after the wrap div closure, maybe that could be the problem but I also tried to call the function before closing the main tag or between other divs and I got the same result:
</main><!-- #main -->
</div><!-- #primary -->
</div><!-- .wrap -->
<?php get_footer() ?>
Any tip or clue will be welcomed. Thank you very much for your support and very much appreciated help.
Kind regards,
I can put each one on the same template and they both show, using
<?php get_footer( ‘pillpack’ ); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
so i know the above code is working
What I’m trying to do is have the footer-pillpack.php show on only one page called: https://a1medicalsupply.us/pillpack/
And footer.php show on every other page.
Here is my code that I am putting on my page.php file
if ( is_home() ) :
elseif ( is_single( ‘pillpack’ ) ) :
get_footer( ‘pillpack’ );
else :
It’s not working. The footer.php file is showing on every page including the https://a1medicalsupply.us/pillpack/ page.
I’m new to this… Any one know what I’m doing wrong?
]]>get_footer() function doesn’t work in index of theme (twentyfifteen), When I commented it above function work fine.
Question: How can i solve get_footer() problem?
here is the index.php
if (have_posts()):
while (have_posts): the_post(); ?>
<article class="post">
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php endwhile;
echo '<p>No content found</p>';
it’s my understanding that this will call a default footer from wp-includes/theme-compat/footer.php. Anyone no why it would be blank and what i can do to fix?
]]>I recently tested Smart Slider 2 on a WP Multisite installation on any sub site. Works great.
But when I try to install the plugin on my main site from the same Multisite installation then the plugin reports a get_footer() and wp_footer() error. Additionally, the front end of my site isn’t loading anymore. Get’s hung up while loading.
The site I am referring to is: www.zugehoerigkeitsbehoerde.de
Any suggestions?
I leave the plugin deactivated, otherwise the site wouldn’t be loading properly at the moment… If you need the plugin activated for some testing of my site, please let me know.
]]>It would really be helpful if the shop page (which is a post, not a page) was defined. This post is actually made up of several pages, but I can’t find any documentation on it.
Please advise.
function custom_footer_text()
$content = ‘</div><!– #main .wrapper –>’;
$content .= ‘<footer id=”colophon” role=”contentinfo”>’;
$content .= ‘<div class=”site-info”>’;
$content .= ‘<?php do_action( “twentytwelve_credits” ); ?>’;
$content .= ‘Desarrollado por Be?at Bustamante bajo WordPress‘;
$content .= ‘</div><!– .site-info –>’;
$content .= ‘</footer><!– #colophon –>’;
$content .= ‘</div><!– #page –>’;
$content .= ‘<?php wp_footer(); ?>’;
$content .= ‘</body>’;
$content .= ‘</html>’;
echo $content;
add_action( ‘get_footer’, ‘custom_footer_text’ );
remove_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘get_footer’ );
I’m working on a new community-project and I mostly use twentyeleven as a basis to build my own WP-Themes. Now I stumbled upon the problem, that the search.php of twentyeleven doesn’t load footer.php i.e. get_footer at the end of the php-file doesn’t work, which breaks my theme, though I didn’t change anything in that file.
Is there maybe a backup search.php build in wordpress which is loaded instead of the search.php from the theme (like with searchform.php for example)?
The website is battlefield3masterguide.de – You’ll see that pages work fine, but when using the searchform in the header, the footer isn’t loaded, which prevents my clearfloat-div from being loaded etc.
Thx for any help. It’s very much appreciated
When I call get_footer(test) as it described in Codex it does not include footer-test.php
No errors, just footer.php included…
WP ver.3.1.2.
Any ideas?
Best regards,