]]>My website is multilanguage, I created a multisite network in WordPress, and 2 subsite for 2 different languages.
I need to share events and bookings between sites, and events should be translated in language site.
I found the way to see events created in other subsite, using Global tables mode, and shortcode [events_list blog=”0″], but I don’t know how to show the translated description.
Is there a way to create an event, write event description in 2 languages, one for every subsite?
I hope to be clear.
]]>Does User Role Editor create global tables in the database?
Than you for your support.
Regards, strategizeme
]]>Does W3 Total Cache create global tables in the database?
Than you for your support.
Regards, strategizeme
]]>The global posts shows well in the sidebar widget but not sows in the events page:
Also the shortcodes not work:
]]>Currently I only have events on the root blog (id=1) but will be enabling Events Manager for some of the subsites soon. I want to have global tables mode enabled.
When I enabled global tables mode, both the widget and the events_list shortcode no longer recognise my categories: i.e. [events_list category=”77″] no longer shows any events, and [events_list category=”-77″] shows all events (including those in category 77). If I disable global tables mode it goes back to behaving itself.
I assume this isn’t the expected behaviour? Am I missing a setting – or is there a bug?
]]>I do not want to display subsite events on the main site, but I do want to show certain event categories from the main site on all calendars and event lists of the subsites.
Even though the widget shows categories this has no effect and if the subsite has no events of its own it shows no events.
I am experiencing two issues when displaying events from the main site on subsites:
1) using [events_calendar blog=”1″ long_events=1 full=1 scope=”all” categories=”277, 278, 279, 280, 350, 356″] seems to display the correct events but does not start displaying any on the calendar until July 1. The link on each calendar event takes me to the home page of the subsite I am currently on.
2) using [events_list blog=”1″ limit=”10″ scope=”future” categories=”277, 278, 279, 280, 350, 356″] ignores the category restrictions and each of the event links takes me to the home page of the subsite I am on, just as the calendar links do.
HELP please.
]]>I’m using EM verison 5.4.3 in WP Multisite with global tables enabled.
The categories set on recurring events do not get saved on the individual events that are generated by the recurring event.
So when you display an individual page for one of these generated events it says no categories. No categories are checked when you look at the individual event.
]]>It looks like the events widget does not allow for listing events from the main blog. So I am using the events_list shortcode in a text widget.
I can list events using this shortcode but it is not responding when I try to exclude a category from the list using category=”-381″.
The full shortcode I am using is this:
[events_list blog=”1″ limit=”10″ category=”-381″ scope=”future”]#_EVENTDATES #_EVENTLINK
In addition to the category exclusion issue, the event link brings me back to the exact page I am on instead of the actual event.
]]>Site-1 has media galleries of type-a
Site-2 has media galleries of type-b and needs to show type-c
Site-3 has media galleries of type-c and needs to show type-a
Site-4 wants to show type-a,type-b, and type-c media galleries.
I’m wondering if there were a database plug-in that would allow this type of behavior. Anyone know? Maybe something that can address the global data with a table tag wp_ (globals), site1_ (site 1 specific), etc…