I tried Flickr and it seems to work, it’s just the Google photos are unpredictable.
Need help.
]]>When first loading page, Photonic images from Google Album show as 1 column. Images are blown up and very pixilated. It doesn’t matter what size the widow is at load, the results are the same. But the second you grab the window and change its size, the images pop into their correct places into the correct number of columns.
I’ve trying changing all the settings in Photonic, and modifying css, but nothing works.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
]]>This plugin looks very promising.
I noticed this is the description of features in the Google Albums documentation –
“Photos Google doesn’t let you filter albums by date etc. Photonic, however, lets you do this by explicitly passing album IDs via the filter attribute.”
Q1. How exactly is filtering by DATE configured by users?
Q2. Is the “Date” in question . .
the Album (set-up) Date?
the Image Creation Date?
the Image Upload date?
The earliest/oldest date of images in a particular album?
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I seem to be having trouble getting the thumbnails for some google albums to show, if I select to show only shared albums it partially works, but only shows about 15 of the 23 albums, I am pretty sure all the albums are shared under Google photos. I have done this before on other pages like https://daniel-baker.photography/g2019/ and it worked fine so I’m not sure what I’ve done wrong this time.
shortcode –
[photonic type=’google’ view=’albums’ filter=’AHd8C3-_mnGwCdAb-6sBCrfktRk0cD-MH_jOvBDrUjxGbUy3iON_W_k,AHd8C387ZotVjIlnQhWYFSi9yQQxaMz-I9IMmCwHnW0sDh-4piixyuU,AHd8C38CQW2Q046WZ7swshkwJgvVhr8p5hnt_ZwEN2GC8ksgHzFDUQo,AHd8C3_QpmLZkaeQmt4K4FSA3z3PQpOwMBtaWsus5ACidOMwJvetTjI,AHd8C39wCrP6KHIF60pcHOex8YjIZhKDB80RzHvFLHfWF7faX644r0c,AHd8C3-BA8k9wz_hCuKlJbTMoMk5Nvr0eL8rwEbaFKadmY3X59buX5w,AHd8C39hvlnzTD8YvT5WlOCUW6NJV-R60HO5x7bBRefBf_v0u7vr9eQ,AHd8C39TkIe4A89PXVvxOSTyrWgw4NzL99QlaXjlYMnIe5CXiLnJTg0,AHd8C39WmNp1NES5rJkj1lqyU3K09HDsvCCeS_8Dv2-huHJa6aOp_G4,AHd8C389hXWawaEQTQazBBzW6hswP6OD4aEVkwuKJXmQPZKU5EjsfVs,AHd8C39EKibEILicmG7HiMUegkPkz7QGpqa0JDXfGJAGIFihpRUsq6w,AHd8C3-czxYSnt1iv36fMAIPAariDDmPiEpRx2rYebXE69nuSRNZUVg,AHd8C3-RV2ckhDV8Nfhd4OUC5VBDew-F64J8otMBj38f3EK2aGzRVh4,AHd8C39wxszzFsPh6iBW-LrBFna-dd7LyDypfv1pXcqjJaxQpcYSYHU,AHd8C38GkbaufIRAjL8cV63vErzXuc171M04k1YixPr4NmngfvnM7_M,AHd8C39to0oCvN228FsW8bASRgv5gX6IIGMoFbe9ehQpfexNeN5UWJQ,AHd8C3-xIw4gi0UoItztni8rHj1quKrC5KKo2mKgypJqqc3qmaJUC78,AHd8C3_XN0QU5McEScK9hYO2on-3vsPMnZa1btfI08GhzcIjJzcGfN4,AHd8C3-IyuEF8zkVZiO-s_fqtYRs6xZSsdWKzYvwHsMNAgWsXitwxSU,AHd8C39KdE-wDEDVc0JniaNH2nXETe2hggDgTByrd8qrTSYgiD4G1rw,AHd8C3_DJnjgSNv8LxsBXT72T_yKQ6EhOMrgkFX4Hersj-OTz85rkhw,AHd8C38Metp-atGOuvBtLreOQdePbZFMNrWAYMC82BPAw0f-vCJBEp4,AHd8C38hTVHmhxXmnb9RERcfaYEuume7Bp0pK8CJKlK_M0ld0SWXHRE,AHd8C3_8gfS-bvCel7wDD5PdluWRFpZ9JLg-3WpG39Z1HLNRpd2Fq1A,AHd8C388_PK3uzL2XRFn974MmPhALbpsJ9OkLYVPtoCVdXPIxCbpGtI,AHd8C3-PNBKKnjJu-Ci6P3k2hV4qBTqrEq3lSUMSxrNTFMz0jAUyHPY,AHd8C39wuSSdOFrMWSirmHXYIagwgj_KzjQy5ZhKZum3o0HhUj7F9v8′ crop_thumb=’crop’ columns=’5′ more=’Load More’ title_position=’below’ main_size=’1600′ thumb_size=’150′ popup=’hide’ layout=’circle’]
Thanks for any help
]]>I’m attempting to display a small number of Google Albums on a WordPress page for a client. The client is a dog breeder, and has no understanding of WordPress. So, to simplify things (so she doesn’t have to pay me every time she wants to upload new photos) we’d like her to be able to upload albums of new puppy litters to her Google Photos account and have them display on her website. Unfortunately, she uses her Google photos account extensively for personal photos as well. Is it possible for the plugin to display ONLY shared albums that include a particular attribute? Ideally – those albums that have the word “Litter” in the title?
Please let me know if this needs any further clarification and thank you in advance!
]]>Can you please look into it?
Much appreciated