I am changing to use slim SEO now, I am not quite sure if that is the reason causing this problem. Hoping someone can help me with this, thank you so much in advance!
I am getting the following alert on Google Console:
Parsing error: Missing ‘,’ or ‘}’
Below is part of the html flagged in the console. I’m not sure how to fix this? It appears to be affecting my SEO?
","location":[{"@type":"Place","name":"Intercontinental Doha","address":{"@type": "PostalAddress","streetAddress":"Addis Ababa"}}],"eventStatus":"https://schema.org/EventScheduled"}
]]>This issue is with this SEO plugin, used other plugins on different sites and they do not have any issues regarding appearance. Here is the attached screenshot of what I’m talking about not appearing icon on Google searches.
]]>I’ve built a website and after finishing it, it’s not appearing in the google search. I have no idea why it isn’t showing up?
I built it using wordpress and after, installed Elementor to help out.
I also have unticked the option “Search Engine Visibility Search Engine Visibility” in wordpress.
I don’t know if it’s pertinent but I installed Yoast SEO plugin and went to the Google Console, inserted the website to activate it and such in the google results and it validated but so far, it still remains the problem of not showing up (I did this yesterday).
Anybody has any clue?
Thanks in advance!
]]>My sites that have not yet been updated are fine and have no postion drop.
I have websites hosted on godaddy that are auto updated to 6.0.3 and I can not roll back on godaddy so all my sites are stuck on a host with no ranbk on google due to the new wordpress version 6.0.3
This need fixing asap
]]>I’ve been using OceanWP for a little while and been really happy about it.
However, I’ve just got an alert message from Google on Mobile usability, warning me about 3 issues:
Text too small to read
Clickable elements too close together
Content wider than screen
When I run the “Mobile-friendly test” from google, the preview looks completely messed up indeed. It looks like it’s trying to load the desktop version instead of the mobile version, and fails big time.
Here’s how it looks like:
When I check the page on my mobile, it looks (mostly) fine.
Any idea what’s the issue here?
When I put this url above in search on desktop, it gives error, hangs, then redirects to:
When I go to any of the errors on mobile, they all work fine, no errors!
Does anyone know what the 1%2F added on the end mean? How can I fix this mess?
]]>Affected pages were found. Fix the issue and run validation again
with this URL https://betterandfree.co/page/38/?cat=-1
Either “name” or “item.name” should be specified
Please help. Thanks
]]>The URL is [ redundant link removed ]
But I do not have created a page that is included on the error.
Hope someone will hep.
Thanks in advance.