Great plugin but we have some recipes that require 24 horas of preparation. When we put 1440 minutes of preparation we get following error from Google Search Console: “prepTime PT1D is not a valid value for date/time”.
If we reduce the time (preparation time, cooking time or total time) to less than 720 minutes (12 hours) the validation is ok (for example for: prepTime PT10M; prepTime PT6H).
For everything equal or higher than 720 minutes = 12 hours = PT1D12H the Google Schema validator gives the validation error (for example: prepTime PT1D12H is not a valid value for date/time; cookTime PT20M is ok; totalTime PT1D12H20M is not a valid value for date/time). The Google validation error links to to solve the date/time error.
Can you correct this please?
Thanks for your efforts.
]]>Can you please give me a sense of the time needed to resolve this conflict with the Easy Testimonials plugin? Is it a matter of days, weeks, or several weeks?
I recently started using the ‘Schema & Structured Data for WP & AMP’ plugin at
When I test the home page code in Google’s structured data testing tool at , it shows me errors with the following line of code.
“@type”: “Review”,
The error message reads: ‘The review does not have a reviewed item with a name specified.’
The featured snippet I am trying to implement is NOT in the Review category.
I believe the code “@type”: “Review”, comes from the ‘Easy Testimonials plugin’ in use at
How should I go about addressing this issue?
P. S. I am happy to send you a screenshot if you would like to see one. Here is a larger section of the code for your reference:
<div class="cycle-slideshow" data-cycle-fx="fade" data-cycle-timeout="5000" data-cycle-slides="div.testimonial_slide" data-cycle-auto-height="container" data-cycle-pause-on-hover="true" data-cycle-prev=".easy-t-1602103897 .easy-t-cycle-prev" data-cycle-next=".easy-t-1602103897 .easy-t-cycle-next" data-cycle-log="false"><div class="testimonial_slide"><div class="style-light_style show_thumbs hide_title show_position hide_date _rating hide_other easy_t_single_testimonial" style="width: 100%"> <script type="application/ld+json">{
"@context": "",
"@type": "Review",
"itemReviewed": {
"name": "" },
"reviewRating": {
"@type": "Rating",
"ratingValue": 5 },
"name": "~ Jack Roberts, Austin, TX",
"author": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "-- Jack Roberts, Austin, TX" },
"reviewBody": "\u201cI am fascinated with your methodology and track record. I passed on the information to all my friends.\u201d\n" }</script> <blockquote class="easy_testimonial"><div class="easy_testimonial_image_wrapper"></div>
]]>The link below shows our recipe tested with the Google Structured Data Testing tool ( ).
Do you know why the test would show as two recipes instead of one? Is it because WP Recipe Maker stores code for JSON and also for Inline Meta?
Thanks for your help.
I made some updates in one of my pages, and when I go to the Google Structured Data Testing Tool, I saw the following errors:
LocalBusiness 0 ERROS 0 WARNINGS 1 ITEM
The link for one of my page is:
This is the link of Google Structured Data Testing Tool for my page:
The code seems to be Ok, but I don’t know what is worng?
“logo”: {
“@type”: “ImageObject”,
“url”: “×230.png”,
“height”: 230, <— Error position
“width”: 230
“image”: {
“@type”: “ImageObject”,
“url”: “×230.png”,
“height”: 230,
“width”: 230 <— Error position
Please, when it be possible, someone can help me?
if you need more informations, please, let me know.
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards.
]]>Few days ago I did some test in Google Structured Data Testing Tool and I found, that all my posts generate some errors:
When I change in Social Meta module og:type from “Article” to “Blog” – errors seems to disappear…
Strange thing is, that on my another blog (with YOAST plugin) og:type is also set to “Article” – but there is no errors.
I have been using Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget, recently i have observed below error when testing in Google Structured Data Testing tools
headline: missing and required
image: missing and required
Please advice, how to resolve the isse
]]>For some reason I am getting an an “Error: Missing required field “updated”” when I use the Google Structured Data Testing Tool. I have researched others’ problems with this but using the Theme editor in WordPress I can’t find anything that resembles “date” or “time” in the code that would relate to posts.
Am I just not looking in the correct place? What do I need to add to Origin to communicate when the site (each page or post) updates to google? Or is this not a problem with the theme?
I’m a bit new in this and sort of troubleshoot through everything so any advice would be great! Here is a link to my site:
]]>I am a relatively new user who has migrated from (I moved in early May.) When it comes to code— all code— I am essentially an idiot. However, I would like to learn as much as I can as well as I can as quickly as I can— so I am reading like mad and trying to implement what I read as best I can.
That said, I hope I am able to explain my issue correctly.
Okay, here’s one of my myriad problems: I am missing HAtom taxonomies for titles, author and updated— in three of my categories.
The error in Google’s Structured Data Testing tool specifically says:
Error: Missing required field “entry-title”.
Error: Missing required field “updated”.
Error: Missing required hCard “author”.
What’s odd is that this problem appears to be turning up on three categories, but only three categories. Not specific posts, not tags, and not all of the 20-or-so categories on my site.
It doesn’t seem to be particular to the theme I am using, but an older theme I was using up until very recently may have been either the initiating issue, or a primary contributing factor, or incidental to a bigger issue that I caused myself.
Background information:
Up until two days ago, I was using a really nice theme that may have accidentally blocked all of my .hatom data (according to Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.)
At first, I didn’t think the theme I was using might be the reason for my missing .hatom information, but I did contact the theme developer asking if there was a way to include author information on a single-author blog, hoping that adding author info to individual posts might correct my missing .hatom author info. (The theme is designed to give author information on specific posts on multi-author blogs only, and I don’t know enough code to adjust this setting in the functions.php/post.php myself.)
When I did not hear back from the theme developer for a week about making that adjustment, I got rather nervous about being penalized by Google, and decided to test my structured data using the Twenty Twelve theme just to see if any of my missing .hatom information would show up. (And I realize theme developers are busy people, so I totally get why I wouldn’t get a response.)
Fewer than five minutes after making the switch to Twenty Twelve, I tested my site using Google’s Structured Data Tester, and wouldn’t you know it most of the missing .hatom information was, for the most part, viewable to Google! Most, that is, except for the three items I am mentioning to you today.
So, I don’t know if that theme really did cause some of the problems I am having now, or if it was incidental to some wack-a-doo issue I managed to create for myself (which is totally, entirely possible because I have mastered the dubious art of breaking my site, repeatedly, with immense vigor.) But it still seems odd that just switching themes would cause almost all of my .hatom data to show up really quickly.
Back to the current problem:
As I said, I switched to Twenty Twelve for testing purposes two days ago. Last night I changed yet again to a new-to-me theme appropriate to the content of my blog. (I did some additional research beforehand on the new theme to make sure it would not add to my .hatom confusion.)
Once more— the specific category taxonomies I mentioned were missing when I had switched Twenty Twelve two days ago and tested it with Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool. Now, I am using this current new theme and the same data is missing. So, that doesn’t appear to be the root cause.
Today, to make sure the newest theme wasn’t adding to my .hatom blues, I switched back to Twenty Twelve again and tested my site. Same missing data from original switch to Twenty Twelve, no change.
I would love to fix my .hatom blues.
Any instructions/suggestions/reading you can provide on this matter will be most appreciated.
I really, really hope I explained my issue correctly. If I have not, please forgive my lack of knowledge and do feel free to correct me— I am trying to learn as fast as I can.
Thanks so much for your help.
Best wishes,
Courtenay Bluebird
]]>Btw: Thank you for your work!