For some time now, the altitude charts on this page ( have disappeared. We tried uploading new gpx tracks, but the issue persists. Additionally, while the first chart still shows the area where the altitude should be displayed, the following charts doesn’t have it.
What could be causing this issue? How can we fix it?
Thank you.
]]>That /src/
is the relative path. As in, it’s trying to load
. And, yeah, that file doesn’t exist. So my server returns a 404.
I can’t easily reproduce this. I was trying to generate a map with elevation profile. I was playing with [elevation-track]
and then [elevation]
and then [sgpx]
. At some point wordpress added a <br />
into my shortcodes. I removed it, saved, and then the page’s elevation charts all disappeared. I checked the js console and found that it was failing to load the javascript files above, getting a 404 back from the server. I tried restoring the wordpress post to an older version, but the same problem exists — the elevation half of the map is missing, and the web browser is failing to load these javascript assets.
Has anyone else experienced this? Any idea why wordpress is giving the wrong path to these javascript assets?
]]>I would like to create a map with more than 3000 POI I have on a CSV file.
Is there a way to add them easily ?
]]>This page shows exactly what I mean:
Is there a way to do this?
]]>With the [elevation gpx] shortcode, I add my route. In the elevation graph, you can see the information on different waypoints (they are numbered in the Netherlands). Inside my GPX file, these points are shown like this:
<wpt lat="52.93946428" lon="5.97149565">
I get pins in my map. When I hover or click, I get the label/title information.
However, I want this title information to always be visible. I would also like to group the waypoints so users can toggle them on/off in combination with other markers that I will place myself.
And example of how I want it to look like can be found on this page:
I just don’t know how I can make this possible…
All the best,
]]>I’d like a download button to appear below my map or even better as a standalone shortcode, like:
[Waymark map_id="1649" export_only=1]
so users could put it in a different place, like the beginning of the page, or inside a table with trip recommendations, informations and details. That would be great.
Congrats on your work buddy, I love the plugin!
]]>I would like to sell gpx routes as downloadable items, but it doesn’t allow me to do so….It allows a whole list of downloadable files except that…
How can I circumvent this problem?
Thank you in advance!
]]>[leaflet-gpx src= color=black]
For example it would be nice if the waypoints would be shown on the track-line as small dots in same color of the track-line.
Is there a way to do so?