Having an issue with 4.3.0, gravity form short codes and blocks wont load and no longer seem to render. I have re-installed 4.2.7 along with the most up to date gravity forms and there is no issue. Ajax could also be an issue.
]]>We cannot update or edit our Zapier add-on to move data from Gravity Forms to Google Sheets because Zapier cannot authenticate the Rest API Key with Gravity on our website.
We have:
2. Confirmed the Rest API keys were created from a WordPress user with read/write permissions, and confirmed using correct Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
3. Error message: “We hit an error adding your new account”.
4. Gravity Forms support dept said the issue is not a Gravity issue, and pointed out the error on Site Health of our website: “Authorization header is missing.” They said it is a host issue.
5. Site Health error message: “The Authorization Header is Missing”.
Per what we found on Google and what Gravity Forms people said, we clicked “Flush permalinks” and then click Save Changes on the next screen, it did not fix the issue.
IONOS, our web host, checked the domain and site settings on their end and said the “Authorization header is missing” is not a host issue, but a WordPress issue.
WordPress troubleshooting articles point to a change in coding to bypass or correct the header issue on a WP website. Does someone know how to do this?
The original Zap is somehow still working to transfer data from Gravity form submission on our website to the original Google sheet, but it cannot be updated or edited, and we cannot create new Zaps from Gravity Forms to any other platforms without authentication.
]]>Genesis Slider is enabled on the front page which is using Landing template.
Problem: Client has made changes to the text on the page but the front end is not updating. It is still showing old text.
We’ve done the following to troubleshoot:
The only thing that made the problem go away was disabling the slider. Can’t figure out why the slider is holding the cache. We would really appreciate some direction as to where to go from here please.
]]>Ahora ya aparecen los campo personalizados, gracias!!! Aunque es verdad en en las oportunidades no aparecen todos los campos predeterminados.
El problema que tengo ahora es que no me sincroniza los datos de esos nuevos campos en la oportunidad que se crea.
Los campos del formulario que asocio con los campos predeterminados de Clientify no hay problema, sean de contacto o de oportunidad, incluso los nuevos campos creados en clientify para el contacto tampoco. hay problema. El problema es que no me sincroniza los campos nuevos creados en oportunidades, salen para poderlos enlazar pero luego, al crearse la oportunidad en clientify, esos campos salen vacíos.
Espero que se entienda, paso aquí una captura para verlo:
Los que pone “Sí” se sincronizan bien con Gravity y Clientify.
Los que pone “No” no lo hace y se puede ver que son justo los nuevos campos creados en Clientify para oportunidades.
Al margen de esto hay dos cosas que veo también.
El campo “Oportunidad: Nivel” sale duplicado, en Clientify no lo está y sin embargo en el contacto existe otro campo “Nivel” que no aparece.
Lo otro es que no sé a qué se refiere el campo “URL del flujo”. He probado con la url que proporciona la API de Clientify para un flujo concreto y una etapa concreta pero no funciona, de hecho, si lo uso no me graba la oportunidad, surgirá algún fallo y no completa el envío de datos.
Muchas gracias de antemano.
Un saludo
]]>It’s such a high quality plugin, has everything you could ever need for any type of form and it makes everything so simple – some things you usually have to hack around in other form plugins to make work.
It’s accessible out of the box, its code output is clean meaning you can easily modify the styling. The conditional logic is on another level and so are the actions… you can even make POST and GET requests from the form builder (seriously) and even use variables from the form to populate those API calls! Madness. Anything these guys haven’t thought of?
And the debug console! My word, what a time saver. It automatically populates and submits forms with dummy data for all field types so you can test forms in one click and read the logs in one place!
I use Metabox and ACF and with WSF I can create front-end forms for new posts in literally two seconds based on the custom fields I have already created, everything already mapped perfectly. Wow.
If you connect up your CRM or a Google Sheet for example it automatically maps the form fields to the fields in the CRM or Google sheet column headers. I didn’t even know it did this until I added the integration. If you haven’t created a form yet, it can create a form for that integration and connect and map everything up with one click.
There’s nothing else I’ve come across at this level, with this depth of features. And not to mention the support is stellar. Mark is a legend.
You get what you pay for, really. But, it pays for itself many times over in no time at all. I cannot rate this plugin highly enough.
Stop looking at other form plugins and just buy WS Form Pro, then pat yourself on the back, and thank your lucky stars you found it!
]]>He creado un formulario sencillo para testear el plugin con una de sus plantillas predefinidas (Nuevo usuario RGPD). Al parecer al completar el formulario no se está enviando la plantilla correctamente y el documento a firmar que se recibe está en blanco con el mensaje “?Vaya! No hemos podido localizar tu formulario”. Al firmar el documento, también se recibe en blanco en la cuenta de Firmafy. Lo he probado en 2 sites con 2 cuentas de Firmafy distintas y ocurre el mismo error.
Gracias por su atención.
]]>These two cases report the same problem:
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/gravity-forms-submission-issue/ https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/gravity-forms-problem-after-field-validation/
I am also facing exactly the same problem reported in them but I believe that I have found the cause of the problem!
On my website I have 3 gravity forms! 2 of these forms have the problem! The other one does not! Analyzing more deeply, I noticed that there were differences between them in relation to the shortcode, see:
[gravityform id=”1″ title=”false” description=”false” ajax=”true”] (Has problem)
[gravityform id=”2″ title=”false” description=”false”] (No problem)
[gravityform id=”3″ title=”false” description=”false” ajax=”true”] (Has problem)
Shortcodes that have the attribute ajax=”true” do not work with turnstile after any error appears because as soon as the error occurs, the form is rendered again, and in this new rendering, the turnstile script/snippet is not reinserted.
There is something interesting about gravity forms regarding javascript, any javascript inserted into the DOM is only executed in the form on the first load (even when using the respective jQuery’s .on for blur or focus events in the fields, for example).
In my 3 forms, I use custom jQuery code (to create masks in zipcode and phone fields and other things) and in those that use the ajax=”true” attribute in the shortcode, I need to reapply the jQuery/javascript codes again AFTER VALIDATION ERRORS through some gravity forms hook. Currently, I am using the ‘gform_post_render’ hook as follows:
function formats(){
//Custom jQuery/javascript code.
//For example, changing the color of the submit button always when the form loads.
//Executes every time the gravity forms is rendered (even after validation errors!)
jQuery(document).on('gform_post_render', function(event, formId){
I believe that by using this ‘gform_post_render’ hook native to gravity forms, it is possible to fix the problem by inserting the turnstile snippet or something else necessary inside the function.
As a workaround, I am keeping the two forms that had the “ajax=true” attribute in the shortcode without the attribute, so whenever an error occurs, “the page” is reloaded, never requiring a second rendering of the form, and it works this way.